A Docker image providing Promtail for Beach, Local Beach and other purposes. Compared to the official Promtail image, this one provides an opinionated configuration which can be controlled through environment variables.
image: flownative/promtail
container_name: ${BEACH_PROJECT_NAME:?Please specify a Beach project name as BEACH_PROJECT_NAME}_addon-promtail
- local_beach
- ./Data/Logs:/application/Data/Logs:delegated
- PROMTAIL_CLIENT_URL=http://loki_loki_1:3100/loki/api/v1/push
- PROMTAIL_LABELS=eyJqb2IiOiAibXktam9iIiwgInNldmVyaXR5IjogImZpbmUifQ==
Create a directory "test" on your local machine. Within that directory create a file "test.log".
Then run Promtail with docker run
docker run -v $(pwd)/logs:/logs \
-e PROMTAIL_SCRAPE_PATH=/logs/test.log \
-e PROMTAIL_CLIENT_URL=https://logs-prod-us-central1.grafana.net/loki/api/v1/push \
-e PROMTAIL_LABELS=eyJqb2IiOiAibXktam9iIiwgInNldmVyaXR5IjogImZpbmUifQ== \
In a separate terminal, add test content to the log file, for example with
echo "some test" >> logs/test.log
Variable Name | Type | Default | Description |
PROMTAIL_CLIENT_URL | string | http://loki_loki_1:3100/loki/api/v1/push | URL pointing to the Loki push endpoint |
PROMTAIL_LABEL_HOST | string | $(hostname) | Value of the label "host" which is added to all log entries |
PROMTAIL_LABELS_BASE64 | string | Additional labels to set. Must be a BASE64-encoded JSONs string. JSON example: {"job": "my-job", "severity": "fine"} |
PROMTAIL_CLIENT_TENANT_ID | string | An optional tenant id to sent as the X-Scope-OrgID -header |
PROMTAIL_BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME | string | Username to use for basic auth, if required by Loki | |
PROMTAIL_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD | string | Password to use for basic auth, if required by Loki | |
PROMTAIL_SCRAPE_PATH | string | /application/Data/Logs/*.log | Path leading to log files to be scraped; supports glob syntax |
This image is designed to run as a non-root container. When you are running this image with Docker or in a Kubernetes context, you can take advantage of the non-root approach by disallowing privilege escalation:
$ docker run flownative/promtail:latest --security-opt=no-new-privileges