Python helper for vufind.
$ pip install vupy
Dump binary MARC21 records from VuFind/SOLR.
For example, to download at most 100000 records in chunks of 20 records per SOLR request
from http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1
into MARC files with 500 records
each, which are stored under /tmp
with the prefix coll1-
, run:
$ vufmdump --url http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1 --limit 100000 --size 20 \
--records 500 --prefix coll1 --directory /tmp
usage: vufmdump [-h] [--url URL] [--query QUERY] [--limit LIMIT] [--size SIZE]
[--records RECORDS] [--directory DIRECTORY] [--prefix PREFIX]
[--delay DELAY] [--encoding ENCODING]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--url URL, -u URL Solr server URL (default:
--query QUERY, -q QUERY
Solr query (default: title:lucene)
--limit LIMIT, -l LIMIT
stop after approximately this number of records, 0 =
unlimited (default: 0)
--size SIZE, -s SIZE number of records per query (default: 20)
--records RECORDS, -r RECORDS
number of records per file (default: 10000)
directory to write files to (must exists) (default: .)
--prefix PREFIX, -p PREFIX
file prefix, number and .mrc extension will be
appended automatically (default: vufmdump-)
--delay DELAY, -d DELAY
delay in seconds between queries (will be jittered)
(default: 0.0)
--encoding ENCODING, -e ENCODING
encoding to use (default: utf-8)