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Compiling from source

fholm edited this page Apr 19, 2011 · 8 revisions

.NET 4.0

  • Install msysgit
  • Fetch the sources with git clone git:// IronJS
  • Open IronJS/Src/CLR4.sln and compile in Visual Studio 2010

.NET 3.5

  • Install msysgit
  • Fetch the sources with git clone git:// IronJS
  • Open IronJS/Src/CLR2.sln and compile in Visual Studio 2010

Mono 2.10

Make sure you have the following tools and libraries installed:

  • Mono 2.10
  • F#
  • git

Guides for installing F# and Mono 2.10:

Then follow these steps:

  • Fetch the sources with git clone git:// IronJS
  • cd IronJS/Src
  • Open in your favourite editor and make sure that the platform, monopath and fscorepath variables are correct.
  • chmod a+x
  • ./