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MBaaS Overview

The MBaaS (Mobile Backend As A Service) for the RHMAP self managed deployment on OpenShift is made up of 2 different templates

  • 1 Node persistent template - used for POC and non production type environments
  • 3 Node persistent template - used for production type environments

The 1 node template creates a single mongodb persistent pod and one replica of each of the components that make up the mbaas, i.e fh-mbaas, fh-messaging, fh-metrics, fh-statsd. The nagios pod is used to monitor the resource usage.

As mentioned the 3 node mbaas is strongly recommended for production type environments, it makes use of 3 mongodb pods that get deployed on labeled nodes (this is to ensure that the mongodb pods are not deployed on the same nodes), and 3 replicas of fh-mbaas, fh-messaging and fh-metrics with fh-statsd and nagios set for only one replica.

A simple example on labeling the nodes

oc label node mbaas-1 type=mbaas
oc label node mbaas-2 type=mbaas
oc label node mbaas-3 type=mbaas

oc label node mbaas-1 mbaas_id=mbaas1
oc label node mbaas-2 mbaas_id=mbaas2
oc label node mbaas-3 mbaas_id=mbaas3

1 Node persistent MBaaS

RHMAP 1-Node MBaaS for OpenShift will require the following resources outlined in the table below at a minimum:

  • Prerequisites

    • OpenShift project created
    • A 25G PV (persistent volume) needs to be available
    • Acces to this repo (i.e clone the repository)
    Description Parameter name Default value Fail/warning/recommended
    Min number of CPUs min_required_vCPUS 2 fail only in strict_mode
    Min system memory per node (in MB) required_mem_mb_threshold 7000 fail only in strict_mode
    Min total free memory of all nodes (in KB) warning_kb_value 4000000 warning
    Number of PVs with 50 GB storage required_50_pv 0 warning
    Number of PVs with 25 GB storage required_25_pv 1 warning
    Number of PVs with 5 GB storage required_5_pv 0 warning
    Number of PVs with 1 GB storage required_1_pv 1 warning
  • To deploy the MBaaS on OpenShift execute the following command

    cd /directory-to-fh-openshift-templates
    # first execute the config map creation
    oc new-app -f rhmap-mbaas-config.json
    # create the 1 node mbaas
    oc new-app -f fh-mbaas-template-1node.json 
    --> Deploying template "1node-mbaas/fh-mbaas" for "fh-mbaas-template-1node.json" to project 1node-mbaas
       Red Hat Mobile Backend as a Service template
  • Monitor the deploy on OpenShift

    oc get pods
    NAME                   READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    fh-mbaas-1-vrzfm       1/1       Running   4          7m
    fh-messaging-1-brldn   1/1       Running   3          6m
    fh-metrics-1-bxnwk     1/1       Running   4          7m
    fh-statsd-1-wx4ck      1/1       Running   0          6m
    mongodb-1-1-ff6vp      1/1       Running   0          5m
    nagios-1-704pp         1/1       Running   0          6m
  • Check Nagios for all health endpoints

    • In the OpenShift web console navigate to Applications -> Pods
    • Click on the nagios-x-xxx link
    • Navigate to the Environments tab
    • Copy the nagios password
    • Navigate to Applications route
    • Click on the nagios route
    • Enter the credentials (user is nagiosadmin) and use the copied password

    or execute the follwoing command

    echo "https://$(oc env dc/nagios --list|grep NAGIOS_USER | awk -F'=' '{print $2}'):$(oc env dc/nagios --list|grep NAGIOS_PASSWORD | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')@$(oc get route nagios --template "{{}}")"

3 Node persistent MBaaS

RHMAP 3-Node MBaaS for OpenShift will require the following resources outlined in the table below at a minimum:

  • Prerequisites

    • You must have at least 3 hosts in the inventory under mbaas group.
    • The 3 nodes need to be labeled mbaas_id=mbaas-1,mbaas_id=mbaas-2 and mbaas-id=mbaas-3 respectively - refer to the OpenShift documentation for labeling nodes
    • 3 25G PV (persistent volumes) created and available
    • Installation of RHMAP 3-Node MBaaS in production will require the following resources outlined in the table below at a minimum:
    • Acces to this repo (i.e clone the repository)
    Description Parameter name Default value Fail/warning/recommended
    Min number of CPUs min_required_vCPUS 2 fail only in strict_mode
    Min system memory per node (in MB) required_mem_mb_threshold 7000 fail only in strict_mode
    Min total free memory of all nodes (in KB) warning_kb_value 4000000 warning
    Number of PVs with 50 GB storage required_50_pv 3 warning
    Number of PVs with 25 GB storage required_25_pv 0 warning
    Number of PVs with 5 GB storage required_5_pv 0 warning
    Number of PVs with 1 GB storage required_1_pv 1 warning
  • To deploy the 3 node MBaaS on OpenShift execute the following command

    cd /directory-to-fh-openshift-templates
    # first execute the config map creation
    oc new-app -f rhmap-mbaas-config.json -p MONGODB_REPLICA_NAME=rs0
    # create the 3 node mbaas
    oc new-app -f fh-mbaas-template-3node.json 
    --> Deploying template "3node-mbaas/fh-mbaas" for "fh-mbaas-template-3node.json" to project 3node-mbaas
       Red Hat Mobile Backend as a Service template
  • Monitor the deploy on OpenShift

    oc get pods
    NAME                   READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    fh-mbaas-3-7pc82       1/1       Running   1          12m
    fh-mbaas-3-7wfrb       1/1       Running   1          12m
    fh-mbaas-3-qzqf2       1/1       Running   1          12m
    fh-messaging-1-2f7v3   1/1       Running   3          31m
    fh-messaging-1-t1wc7   1/1       Running   0          21m
    fh-messaging-1-vx319   1/1       Running   0          21m
    fh-metrics-1-2l9vw     1/1       Running   3          31m
    fh-metrics-1-9xgb7     1/1       Running   0          21m
    fh-metrics-1-rjtk0     1/1       Running   0          21m
    fh-statsd-1-dtmsn      1/1       Running   0          31m
    mongodb-1-1-jtz12      1/1       Running   0          33m
    mongodb-2-1-hzkjr      1/1       Running   0          31m
    mongodb-3-1-mpm43      1/1       Running   0          21m
    nagios-1-pk9sm         1/1       Running   0          21m 
  • Check Nagios for all health endpoints

    • In the OpenShift web console navigate to Applications -> Pods
    • Click on the nagios-x-xxx link
    • Navigate to the Environments tab
    • Copy the nagios password
    • Navigate to Applications route
    • Click on the nagios route
    • Enter the credentials (user is nagiosadmin) and use the copied password

    or execute the following command

    echo "https://$(oc env dc/nagios --list|grep NAGIOS_USER | awk -F'=' '{print $2}'):$(oc env dc/nagios --list|grep NAGIOS_PASSWORD | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')@$(oc get route nagios --template "{{}}")"


  • Problems usually encountered are to do with docker images (check access and credentials) and PV (persistent volumes)