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API for interacting with the Tahrir database. Based on the Tahrir database model written by Ralph Bean. There are two classes that can be used in this module. The first is the TahrirDatabase class located in tahrir_api.dbapi and the second is the database model located in tahrir_api.model. The TahrirDatabase class is a high level way to interact with the database. The model is used for a slightly more low level way of interacting with the database. It allows for custom interactions with the database without having to use the TahrirDatabase class.

Creating a Badge

This is an example of creating a badge via Tahrir-API:

from tahrir_api.dbapi import TahrirDatabase

db = TahrirDatabase('backend://badges:badgesareawesome@localhost/badges')

origin = ''
issuer_name = 'FOSS@RIT'
org = ''
contact = '[email protected]'

issuer_id = db.add_issuer(origin, issuer_name, org, contact)

badge_name = 'fossbox'
image = ''
desc = 'Welcome to the FOSSBox. A member is you!'
criteria = ''

db.add_badge(badge_name, image, desc, criteria, issuer_id)

Awarding a Badge

This is an example of awarding a badge via Tahrir-API:

from tahrir_api.dbapi import TahrirDatabase

db = TahrirDatabase('backend://badges:badgesareawesome@localhost/badges')

badge_id = 'fossbox'
person_email = '[email protected]'
issued_on = None

db.add_assertion(badge_id, person_email, issued_on)


Set-up your env

Install helper

$ sudo dnf install -y python3-virtualenvwrapper  # RedHat-based OS

Build your virtual env

$ export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
$ mkvirtualenv tahrir-api

Connect w/ your virutal env

$ workon tahrir-api



(tahrir-api)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Project installation

(tahrir-api)$ python develop

Happy hacking!

Run the tests

You can run the tests with tox

(tahrir-api)$ pip install tox
(tahrir-api)$ tox