This project was bootstrapped with Create React App and has addtional libraries included:
Head over to the coding challenge here.
In the project directory, you can run:
Starts the fake REST API server on http://localhost:4000 and runs the app in development mode on http://localhost:3000.
- The page will reload if you make edits.
- You will also see any TypeScript or lint errors in the console.
- You can re-run the script to reset/regenerate the data.
yarn start:web
Runs the app in development mode on http://localhost:3000.
- The page will reload if you make edits.
- You will also see any TypeScript or lint errors in the console.
yarn start:web
Starts the fake REST API server on http://localhost:4000.
- You can re-run the script to reset/regenerate the data.
Running on http://localhost:4000.
Get a list of tournaments.
Type: string
Search tournaments by any value
"id": "79218e94-91fd-4420-8278-f453574b97c4",
"name": "Veritatis Quam Facilis",
"organizer": "Rerum Perspiciatis",
"game": "Rocket League",
"participants": {
"current": 206,
"max": 256
"startDate": "2020-02-27T11:28:02.233Z"
"id": "042fddd8-882f-4dd3-9cf1-ff82a3c8be9f",
"name": "Cum Eveniet Quibusdam",
"organizer": "Id",
"game": "Dota 2",
"participants": {
"current": 168,
"max": 256
"startDate": "2020-02-27T11:28:02.233Z"
"id": "2eb5d07a-8ce5-4b36-8c0f-76b55701d9cc",
"name": "Numquam Fuga Totam",
"organizer": "Quaerat Dolorem",
"game": "Dota 2",
"participants": {
"current": 256,
"max": 256
"startDate": "2020-02-27T11:28:02.233Z"
Create a tournament.
"name": "Foo"
"id": "2b86b928-a0b5-4dec-8b5a-5f3519790829",
"name": "Foo",
"organizer": "Voluptas",
"game": "League of Legends",
"participants": {
"current": 204,
"max": 256
"startDate": "2020-02-27T11:36:27.047Z"
Edit a tournament.
"name": "Bar"
"id": "2b86b928-a0b5-4dec-8b5a-5f3519790829",
"name": "Bar",
"organizer": "Voluptas",
"game": "League of Legends",
"participants": {
"current": 204,
"max": 256
"startDate": "2020-02-27T11:36:27.047Z"
Delete a tournament.