Layback will watch a folder for movie downloads. After a movie is downloaded Layback
will search and download its subtitles automatically.
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The easiest way to install it as your user:
sudo apt install build-essential
sudo gem install layback
$ crawl4subs "folder-with-movies/" pob eng por
$ crawl4subs ~/Downloads/ pob eng por
In order to run layback after boot do the following steps:
run as your own user:
crontab -e
@reboot layback_loader ~/Downloads
Change ~/Downloads to the directory you use for your movie downloads.
In case you are using rbenv:
- Download that is at the github repository to ~/bin or any place you prefer.
- add to your crontab:
@reboot ~/bin/
Is has not been tested with RVM but it should work if you load RVM before you run layback_loader
see RVM installtion
There are 4 tools at the moment:
Will download the subtitles of the movies inside a parent folder recursively.
crawl4subs ["foldername" + /] eng por
watch4subs: Watches a folder for new movies and downloads the subtitles as soon as the movie finishes downloading.
lang4subs: Change the default language of all the movies in a parent folder recursively.
layback remote app: Android remote control. Download at:
LIMITATION: It is mandatory to keep your movies files in the directory "~/Downloads" otherwise the Android Remote won't work.
$ crawl4subs "folder-with-movies/" pob eng por
You can pass as many languages as you like as parameters. The first language available for the movie will be set as the default language for the movie.
Default languages are: eng por spa ger on this sequence of priority. Sub language ISO 639-2 code like pob (Brazilian Portuguese), fre or eng.
$ lang4subs "folder-with-movies" spa por
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.