Releases: eurotools/eurosound-explorer
EuroSound Explorer
EuroSound Explorer
->Make the stream data panel starts from one instead of from zero.
->Added a textbox with the count of the samples in the sample pool.
EuroSound Explorer
->Added a new feature in the SFX hashcodes panel that allows user to see if the current loaded soundbank has duplicated hashcodes.
->Minor changes and bug fixes
EuroSound Explorer
Minor changes and bug fixes, now the loop offset for the newer versions of the MusX files, should be more precise.
EuroSound Explorer
Added a new form in the file menu called "Sound.h Generator", this tool will be usefully for generate missing Sound.h files.
EuroSound Explorer
->Added support for reading the sound details file.
->Added support for reading the music details file.
->Added an option to automatically send the markers data to the form when reading new music files.
->Now you can copy the label and the hashcodes to the clipboard in the listview controls.
EuroSound Explorer
Initial release