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iam 3.4 cluster policies design

Steve Jones edited this page Sep 6, 2017 · 2 revisions

Table of Contents


Design for IAM policy changes in support of restricting images to availability zones.


Status Draft
Updated 2013/08/29 Initial document


Null Condition

New NullConditionOp implements this functionality. Special handling is added in PolicyParser to allow this condition to be used with any condition key.

..IfExists Conditions

IfExistsDelegatingConditionOp implements this functionality as a wrapper around existing conditions. On discovery by ConditionOpDiscovery the PolicyCondition annotation is checked to determine if a ..IfExists condition should be added for each registered condition.

ARN Conditions

New ARN condtion implementations are:

  • ArnEqualsConditionOp
  • ArnLikeConditionOp
  • ArnNotEqualsConditionOp
  • ArnNotLikeConditionOp
Which all extend ArnConditionOp. For like comparisons the existing PatternUtils is used.

Resource Condition Keys

New EC2 condition keys are added as follows:

  |- AvailabilityZoneKey
  |- InstanceComputeKey
  |  |- EbsOptimizedKey
  |  |- InstanceProfileKey
  |  |- InstanceTypeKey
  |  |- PlacementGroupKey
  |  |- RootDeviceTypeKey
  |  |- TenancyKey
  |- RegionKey
  |- TargetImageKey
  |- VolumeComputeKey
  |  |- ParentSnapshotKey
  |  |- VolumeIopsKey
  |  |- VolumeSizeKey
  |  |- VolumeTypeKey
  |- VpcKey

Volume is updated with stubs for iops and type properties.

When a policy is evaluated there is now a per-resource callback via the new PolicyResourceInterceptor interface. These interceptors are discovered via PolicyResourceInterceptorDiscovery and registed on RestrictedTypes.

An EC2 specific interceptor ComputePolicyResourceInterceptor handles callbacks for EC2 resources and manages the new ComputePolicyContext by setting the relevant ComputePolicyContextResource from the transformed RestrictedType. There are transformers for instances, security groups and volumes.

The new condition keys access the ComputePolicyContext to get the current value for the key.

Target Image Condition Key

TargetImageKey implements this functionality. The image identifier is retrieved from the current (contextual) request


No upgrade impact noted.


No specific packaging requirements.


  • New IAM conditions should be documented (Null, ..IfExists, ARN conditions)
  • New EC2 specific IAM condition keys should be documented, Eucalyptus extensions should be clearly noted.
  • New behavior for account level policies with Deny statements should be documented. Existing documention stating only quotas can be used at the account level should be revised.


All changes in this feature are IAM policy related and have security impact.


Use cases in the specification provide an overview for testing.


tag:rls-3.4 tag:iam

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