0 A.D. is a free and open source historical Real Time Strategy (RTS) game developed by Wildfire Games.
Petra is the default AI bot of the 0 A.D. Arch AI (ArchBot) is a modified version of Petra AI.
The original source code of the Petra AI can be downloaded from https://www.wildfiregames.com/ or can be obtained from the game data folder: simulation/ai/petra/
Arch AI bots are distributed as a pack that consists of 9 Arch based and 4 Petra based bots.
Arch based AI bots use Arch AI architecture.
- Admiral
- Capitalist
- Communist
- Imperialist
- Mason
- Mercantilist
- Patriot
- Theocrat
- Unitary
Petra based AI bots use the original Petra AI architecture.
- Imperialist
- Patriot
- Single Based
- Unitary
Although Arch AI is a modified version of the Petra AI, now it is based on a different AI architecture due to many modifications and improvements.
The main differences are:
Normal and Huge attacks are not used anymore by Arch AI. New Attack types: Naval, Check and Mate.
Arch AI can start a Naval attack using the Warships.
Arch AI continues to construct buildings and try to expand during the whole game.
Arch AI uses a different priority list that includes infantry, guards and army to improve unit production rate and includes several construction queues that optimizes building construction.
The Construct Manager controls all the construction plans according to the necessity of the buildings.
The Training Manager controls all the unit productions except ships and traders.
The Resource Manager controls the field count, corral and workers.
Arch AI uses AI played turn variable as a reference to run AI managers like Petra does. However, the frequencies of the managers are different, controlled by config.js and are not constant during the game.
Arch AI disables Resource Planing in Queue Manager to improve unit production and construction rates.
Barter trading policy is totally different from Petra. Contingency trading was cancelled. There's no exception for food buy rate.
Arch AI uses a new city plan to construct buildings. If Arch AI couldn't find a suitable location for construction, it uses the original city plan as a fail-over mechanism.
Arch AI changes its personality during the game according to the population from defensive to aggressive or inverse.
You can download the release versions from release directory. Extract the release version and copy the ArchAIPack directory to the mods directory ( ../0ad/data/mods/ ).
Arch install script generates 9 Arch based AI bots (Admiral, Capitalist, Communist, Imperialist, Mason, Mercantilist, Patriot, Theocrat and Unitary) and 4 Petra based AI bots (Imperialist, Patriot, Single Based and Unitary).
cd install
sh arch.sh
The script finally packs and compresses the mod as a single tar.gz file.
- 0ad-23-1
- 0ad-23-2