A bot for querying card data from https://spellslingerer.com
You'll need to modify a few things:
- Copy .env.sample to .env and supply your own bot key
- Modify bd.sh to point to your own SSH configuration
- Create a systemd unit for your and use it to run your app (refer to the correct name in bd.sh)
I use this, modified from the pocketbase.io docs
Description = Lorekeeper Discord bot
Type = simple
User = root
Group = root
LimitNOFILE = 4096
Restart = always
RestartSec = 5s
StandardOutput = append:/root/lorekeeper/logs/out.log
StandardError = append:/root/lorekeeper/logs/errors.log
WorkingDirectory = /root/lorekeeper/
ExecStart = /root/lorekeeper/lorekeeper
WantedBy = multi-user.target