TephraFits is a Matlab function for describing the geometry of tephra fallout deposits. Using field data, it allows to:
- Fit contour maps using using exponential, power-law and Weibull methods (Fierstein and Nathenson 1992; Bonadonna and Houghton 2005; Bonadonna and Costa 2012);
- Calculate the deposit volume using isopach;
- Calculate the deposit mass using isomass;
- Estimate the decay of clast diameter using isopleth;
- Calculate transects as a distance from the vent;
- Classify eruptions using Pyle (1989) and Bonadonna and Costa (2013);
- Perform uncertainty assessment using Monte-Carlo simulations (Biass et al. 2014).
The associated paper has been accepted in Journal of Applied Volcanology.
For a detail description of the usage of the function, navigate to the root of TephraFits in Matlab and type:
>> help tephraFits
Additionally, the file demo.m
contains examples and additional updates are described at https://e5k.github.io.
TephraFits was published as a Methodology paper in Journal of Applied Volcanology available here and here. Please cite as:
Biass S, Bonadonna C, Houghton BF (2019) A step-by-step evaluation of empirical methods to quantify eruption source parameters from tephra-fall deposits. J Appl Volcanol 8:1–16
Biass S, Bonadonna C, Houghton BF (2019). TephraFits. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3590642
TephraFits is released under a GPL3 license, which means that everybody should feel free to contribute, comment, suggest and modify the code for as long as any new update remains open-source. A copy of the complete license comes with this function.
The GPL3 License covers tephraFits. The authors of dependencies used in this function retain the copyright to their works. In particular, I am grateful to:
- J. Landsey for the function bplot
- J. D'Errico for the function fminsearchbnd
- J. Wells for the function rsquare
- A. Horchler for the function waittext
Don't hesitate to contact me by email should you have a suggestion or find a bug.
Hope this code will help!
Copyright Seb Biass (sbiasse AT ntu DOT edu DOT sg) - 2018
- Biass, S., Bagheri, G., Aeberhard, W., Bonadonna, C., 2014. TError: towards a better quantification of the uncertainty propagated during the characterization of tephra deposits. Stat. Volcanol. 1, 1–27. doi:10.5038/2163-338X.1.2
- Bonadonna, C., Costa, A., 2012. Estimating the volume of tephra deposits: A new simple strategy. Geology 40, 415–418.
- Bonadonna, C., Houghton, B., 2005. Total grain-size distribution and volume of tephra-fall deposits. Bull Volcanol 67, 441–456.
- Bonadonna, C., Cioni, R., Pistolesi, M., Connor, C., Scollo, S., Pioli, L., Rosi, M., 2013. Determination of the largest clast sizes of tephra deposits for the characterization of explosive eruptions: a study of the IAVCEI commission on tephra hazard modelling. Bull. Volcanol. 75, 1–15. doi:10.1007/s00445-012-0680-3
- Fierstein, J., Nathenson, M., 1992. Another look at the calculation of fallout tephra volumes. Bull Volcanol 54, 156–167.
- Pyle, D., 1989. The thickness, volume and grainsize of tephra fall deposits. Bull Volcanol 51, 1–15.