This is a Discussion forum App exclusively for DSC NSEC.
The idea is to make a PWA enabled web app for discussion so that mobile users and web users both can use the platform to discuss new technologies, collaborate on new ideas, able to share their problems and much more.
- This will be a web app with PWA enabled.
- This app will contain features like any other forum app like login, signup, post, upvote, comment etc.
- There will also be features like creating poles so that users can take feedbacks or views on any idea.
- Users should be able to block a particular user and can subscribe to a particular thread.
- The app should be responsive.
You can use any of the following tech stack
- FERN (firebase, express, react, node)
- MERN (mongoDB, express, react, node)
- Suvadeep Maity - LinkedIn , Mail , Telegram
- Dipikesh Kumar - LinkedIn , Telegram
- Shreya Bag - LinkedIn
For any queries, join Whatsapp group.
Apart from your personal details and your experience. You should include the following in your proposal :-
- Your understanding about the project idea.
- List of ideas you want to implement and a brief description of your approach.
- Any ideas you want to suggest/add.
- mockups and wireframe for the UI of the app.