This is a virtual assistant aimed for students powered by Naive Bayes. Actions available include responding to greetings and praise, telling jokes, retrieving the weather, checking grades, playing music, and looking things up.
There are also some files that need to be created for full functionality.
Create a keys.json
file in /src/main/resources
using the following format
for weather, grades, and music functionality.
"weather": "Dark Sky Weather API"
"grade_username": "your username",
"grade_password": "your password",
"spotify_username": "you username",
"spotify_password": "your password"
This project uses Gradle to handle build configuration and JavaFX for the GUI. Make sure to be using Java version 8.
git clone && cd virtual-assistant
gradle shadowjar && java -jar build/libs/virtual-assistant-1.0-all.jar