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Issues that are used to announce changes in the entire repo
Approved to merge
Approved to merge
Approved by .NET Tactics for servicing or QB mode checkins
Architecture: ARM64
Architecture: ARM64
Area: Application
Area: Application
Issues with `msbuild.exe` or the CLI experience.
Area: BuildCheck
Area: BuildCheck
Area: CodeTaskFactory
Area: CodeTaskFactory
Issues related to building a task during the build using CodeTaskFactory or RoslynCodeTaskFactory.
Area: Common Targets
Area: Common Targets
Area: Debuggability
Area: Debuggability
Issues impacting the diagnosability of builds, including logging and clearer error messages.
Area: Engine
Area: Engine
Issues impacting the core execution of targets and tasks.
Area: Evaluation
Area: Evaluation
Area: FileTracker
Area: FileTracker
Issues with FileTracker, tracker.exe, and other Detours-based tracking implementations.
Area: IntelliSense
Area: IntelliSense
Issues with the XSD-schema driven code completion experience for MSBuild in Visual Studio.
Area: IPC
Area: IPC
Issues concerning how MSBuild communicates between processes, including serialization.
Area: Language
Area: Language
Issues impacting the MSBuild programming language.
Area: Logging
Area: Logging
Area: MSBuildLocator
Area: MSBuildLocator
Area: Our Own Build
Area: Our Own Build
Problems affecting the build or build infrastructure of the MSBuild repo itself.
Area: Project Cache
Area: Project Cache
Area: Resolvers
Area: Resolvers
Area: Server
Area: Server
Area: SetPlatform
Area: SetPlatform
Area: Solution (.sln)
Area: Solution (.sln)
Issues related to parsing .sln files or building solutions
Area: Static Graph
Area: Static Graph
Issues with -graph, -isolate, and the related APIs.
Area: TaskHost
Area: TaskHost
Area: Tasks
Area: Tasks
Issues impacting the tasks shipped in Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core.dll.