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8311 WAS-110 Firmware Builder

Custom fwenvs



8311_ethtool_speed=speed 2500 autoneg off duplex full


ISP Fix fwenvs

8311_fix_vlans - Fix VLANs
Set to 0 to disable the automatic fixes that are applied to VLANs.

8311_internet_vlan - Internet VLAN
Set the local VLAN ID to use for the Internet or 0 to make the Internet untagged (and also remove VLAN 0) (0 to 4095). Defaults to 0 (untagged).

8311_services_vlan - Services VLAN
Set the local VLAN ID to use for Services (ie TV/Home Phone) (1 to 4095). This fixes multi-service on Bell.

Management fwenvs

8311_ipaddr - IP Address
Set the management IP address. Defaults to

8311_netmask - Subnet Mask
Set the management subnet mask. Defaults to

8311_gateway - Gateway
Set the management gateway. Defaults to the IP address (ie. no default gateway)

8311_ping_ip - Ping IP
Sets an IP address to ping every 5 seconds, this can helps with reaching the stick. Defaults to the 2nd ip address in the configured management network (ie.

Device fwenvs

8311_console_en - Serial console
Set to 1 to enable the serial console, this will cause TX_FAULT to be asserted as it shares the same SFP pin.

8311_ethtool_speed - Ethtool Speed Settings
Set ethtool speed settings on the eth0_0 interface (ethtool -s).

8311_factory_mode - Factory Mode
Set to 1 to enable factory mode, otherwise factory mode will be automatically disabled on boot.

8311_failsafe_delay - Failsafe Delay
Sets the number of seconds that we will delay the startup of omcid for at bootup (30 to 300). Defaults to 30 seconds.

8311_lct_mac - LCT MAC Address
Set the MAC address on the LCT management interface.

8311_persist_root - Persist RootFS
Set to 1 to allow the root file system to stay persistent (would also require that you modify the bootcmd fwenv). This is not recommended and should only be used for debug/testing purposes.

8311_root_pwhash - Root password hash
Allows you to set a custom root password by setting the hash.

8311_rx_los - RX_LOS Workaround
Set to 0 to monitor the status of the RX_LOS pin to disable it any time it gets enabled. This will allow the stick to be accessible in devices which disable access to the port if RX_LOS is being asserted.

PON fwenvs

8311_cp_hw_ver_sync - Sync Circuit Pack Version
When set to 1 and 8311_hw_ver is also set, will modify the configured mib file to set the Version field of any Circuit Pack MEs to match the Hardware version.

8311_device_sn - Device Serial Number
Sets the physical device S/N, this is more or less display only.

8311_equipment_id - Equipment ID
Sets the PON Equipment ID field in the ONU2-G ME (257).

8311_gpon_sn - GPON Serial Number / ONT ID
Sets the GPON Serial Number sent to the OLT in various MEs (4 letters, followed by 8 hex digits).

8311_hw_ver - Hardware Version
Set the Hardware version string sent to the OLT in various MEs (up to 14 characters).

8311_iphost_domain - IP Host Domain Name
Set the domain name sent to the OLT in ME 134 (up to 25 characters).

8311_iphost_hostname - IP Host Hostname
Set the hostname sent to the OLT in ME 134 (up to 25 characters).

8311_iphost_mac - IP Host MAC Address
Set the MAC address sent to the OLT in ME 134.

8311_loid - Logical ONU ID
Sets the Logical ONU ID presented to the OLT in ME 256 (up to 24 characters).

8311_lpwd - Logical Password
Sets the Logical Password prsented to the OLT in ME 256 (up to 12 characters).

8311_mib_file - MIB File
Sets the MIB file used by omcid. Defaults to /etc/mibs/prx300_1U.ini

8311_pon_slot - PON Slot
Sets the slot number that the UNI port is presented on, needed on some ISPs.

8311_reg_id_hex - Registration ID
Sets the Registration ID (up to 36 characters [72 hex]) sent to the OLT in hex format. This is where you would set a ploam password (which is contained in the last 12 characters).

8311_sw_verA / 8311_sw_verB - Software Versions
Sets the image specific software versions sent in the Software image MEs (7).

8311_vendor_id - Vendor ID
Sets the PON Vendor ID sent to the OLT, automatically derived from the GPON Serial Number if not set (4 letters).


SSH host keys (all of /etc/dropbear) and authorized_keys (all of /root/.ssh) are now stored persistently. Previous UCI settings will be automatically migrated.

The current root password (change with passwd) can be persisted using the command


Tool for building new modded WAS-110 firmware images

Usage: ./ [options]

-i --image <filename>           Specify stock local upgrade image file.
-I --image-dir <dir>            Specify stock image directory (must contain bootcore.bin, kernel.bin, and rootfs.img).
-o --image-out <filename>       Specify local upgrade image to output.
-h --help                       This help text

Tool for creating new WAS-110 local upgrade images

Usage: ./ [options]

-i --image <filename>           Specify local upgrade image file to create (required).
-H --header <filename>          Specify filename of image header to base image off of (default: header.bin).
-b --bootcore <filename>        Specify filename of bootcore image to place in created image (default: bootcore.bin).
-k --kernel <filename>          Specify filename of kernel image to place in created image (default: kernel.bin).
-r --rootfs <filename>          Specify filename of rootfs image to place in created image (default: rootfs.img).
-V --image-version <version>    Specify version string to set on created image (14 characters max).
-h --help                       This help text

Tool for extracting stock WAS-110 local upgrade images

Usage: ./ [options]

-i --image <filename>           Specify local upgrade image file to extract (required).
-H --header <filename>          Specify filename to extract image header to (default: header.bin).
-b --bootcore <filename>        Specify filename to extract bootcore image to (default: bootcore.bin).
-k --kernel <filename>          Specify filename to extract kernel image to (default: kernel.bin).
-r --rootfs <filename>          Specify filename to extract rootfs image to (default: rootfs.img).
-h --help                       This help text