An MLP to find syntax errors and suggest fixes.
Do this exactly:
virutalenv venv
cd venv/bin/
source activate
cd ..
cd ..
pip install keras
pip instlal h5py
pip install scikit-image
Setbackend As Theano:
Navigate to the config file for Keras:
Should be here: $HOME/.keras/keras.json If it's not there, create it.
It should look like this:
{ "image_data_format": "channels_last", "epsilon": 1e-07, "floatx": "float32", "backend": "theano" }
The backend parameter should be set to theano.
To run
- javac_parser
- py4j
You can pip install both
The path to the directory where all the java corpus files are must be set.
The variables sfid and meid number for cutting and getting the id's must be adjusted to your path.
The script will output a csv called java_fixes_col.csv
Checking syntax: python SOURCE_FILE_NAME python SOURCE_FILE_NAME