This setup is inspired by kubernetes the hard way and automatically creates a kubernets cluster with Terraform and Packer. It will create a kubernetes cluster with three master and three worker nodes on the Hetzner Cloud.
I've decided to use calico as networking plugin, because we are using it in my current job and i wanted to get a deeper understanding of it.
- Kubernetes v1.18.2
- Etcd v3.4.7
- Calico v3.13.3
The versions can be adapted in packer/vars/production.json
export HCLOUD_TOKEN=<put_your_token_here>
cd certificates
./generat-all # answer with yes, to generate new ca file
cd ../packer
packer build -var-file=vars/production.json manifests/master.json
packer build -var-file=vars/production.json manifests/worker.json
cd ../terraform
terraform apply -var-file ./vars/k8s.tfvars