Here you will find the article on which this repo is based:
Follow the official documentation to install and enable WSL 2.
Then run it and create a Non-Root User (eg. 'jan'):
sudo adduser jan
sudo usermod -aG sudo jan
su - jan
Set as default user on Linux start:
sudo nano /etc/wsl.conf
Create (if not exist) or edit this file:
And save it.
sudo apt install wget
Get url versions from
sudo dpkg --ignore-depends=docker-ce --install lando-x64-v3.20.8.deb
sudo nano /var/lib/dpkg/status
Search (ctrl+w) for Lando and remove from dependencies: docker-ce
then save: ctrl+o
and exit: ctrl+x
cd ..
cd projects/magento-2.4.6/lando
lando start
Write your public and private access keys from Magento Marketplace into config/env file and state if you need Magento Sample Data by setting DEPLOY_SAMPLE_DATA to true or false.
To install clean Magento 2.4.6 instance run script
bash ./
Magento 2 will be installed in the www directory.
After installation store will be available at and admin panel at with user:
name: admin
password: admin123
PhpMyAdmin will be available at
user: magento
password: magento
For Magento 2 console commands use:
lando bin/magento <command>
for example:
lando bin/magento cache:flush
- Start / build lando
lando start
- Stop lando
lando stop
- Rebuild lando app
lando rebuild
- Destroy app (containers, databse, NOT FILES!)
lando destroy
- Import database (supports .sql and sql.gz files)
lando db-import path/to/file.sql
- Export database
lando db-export path/to/file.sql
- Connect to container's shell
lando ssh
- Run command in container's shell (you have to be in docroot directory)
lando ssh -c <command>
- Enable Xdebug
lando xdebug-on
- Disable Xdebug
lando xdebug-off
- Node command
lando node <command>
- NPM command
lando npm <command>
- Grunt command
lando grunt <command>
- Gulp command
lando gulp <command>
- n98-magerun2 command (after instalation via
lando composer require n98/magerun2-dist
lando n98-magerun2 <command>
👉 More info nad DEMO: