Integrating Chroma syntax highlighter as a Blackfriday renderer.
This project requires and uses the v2
version of
$ go get
This renderer integrates chroma to highlight code with triple backtick notation. It will try to use the given language when available otherwise it will try to detect the language. If none of these two method works it will fallback to sane defaults.
bfchroma uses the functional options approach so you can customize the behavior of the renderer. It uses sane defaults when no option is passed so you can use the renderer simply by doing so :
html := bf.Run([]byte(md), bf.WithRenderer(bfchroma.NewRenderer()))
Style(s string)
Define the style used by chroma for the rendering. The full list can be found hereChromaStyle(*chroma.Style)
This option can be used to passe directly a*chroma.Style
instead of the string representing the style as with theStyle(string)
By default when no language information is written in the code block, this renderer will try to auto-detect the used language. This option disables this behavior and will fallback to a sane default when no language information is available.EmbedCSS()
This option will embed CSS needed for chroma'shtml.WithClasses()
at the beginning of blackfriday document. CSS can also be extracted separately by callingRenderer
method, which will return styleshet for currently set styleExtend(bf.Renderer)
This option allows to define the base blackfriday that will be extended.ChromaOptions(...html.Option)
This option allows you to pass Chroma's html options in the renderer. Such options can be found here.
Disabling language auto-detection and displaying line numbers
r := bfchroma.NewRenderer(
Extend a blackfriday renderer
b := bf.NewHTMLRenderer(bf.HTMLRendererParameters{
Flags: bf.CommonHTMLFlags,
r := bfchroma.NewRenderer(bfchroma.Extend(b))
Use a different style
r := bfchroma.NewRenderer(bfchroma.Style("dracula"))
// Or
r = bfchroma.NewRenderer(bfchroma.ChromaStyle(styles.Dracula))
package main
import (
bf ""
var md = "This is some sample code.\n\n```go\n" +
`func main() {
` + "```"
func main() {
html := bf.Run([]byte(md), bf.WithRenderer(bfchroma.NewRenderer()))
Will output :
<p>This is some sample code.</p>
<pre style="color:#f8f8f2;background-color:#272822"><span style="color:#66d9ef">func</span> <span style="color:#a6e22e">main</span>() {
<span style="color:#a6e22e">fmt</span>.<span style="color:#a6e22e">Println</span>(<span style="color:#e6db74">"Hi"</span>)
In smallblog I'm using bfchroma to render my articles. It's using a combination of both bfchroma's options and blackfriday extensions and flags.
package main
import (
bf ""
// Defines the extensions that are used
var exts = bf.NoIntraEmphasis | bf.Tables | bf.FencedCode | bf.Autolink |
bf.Strikethrough | bf.SpaceHeadings | bf.BackslashLineBreak |
bf.DefinitionLists | bf.Footnotes
// Defines the HTML rendering flags that are used
var flags = bf.UseXHTML | bf.Smartypants | bf.SmartypantsFractions |
bf.SmartypantsDashes | bf.SmartypantsLatexDashes | bf.TOC
// render will take a []byte input and will render it using a new renderer each
// time because reusing the same can mess with TOC and header IDs
func render(input []byte) []byte {
return bf.Run(
Flags: flags,
If you have loads of code in your markdown, you might want to consider using
in your bfchroma.ChromaOptions()
. The CSS of the style
you chose can then be accessed like this :
r := bfchroma.NewRenderer(
bf.NewHTMLRenderer(bf.HTMLRendererParameters{Flags: flags}),
var css template.CSS
b := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := r.ChromaCSS(b); err != nil {
logrus.WithError(err).Warning("Couldn't write CSS")
css = template.CSS(b.String())
bf.Run(input, bf.WithRenderer(r), bf.WithExtensions(exts))
This way, you can pass your css
var to any template and render it along the
rendered markdown.