Logo Created By @stsdc
A simple Cairo Chart Library for GTK and Vala
Caroline is a simple and light interface into Cairo allowing a developer to create a chart in just a few lines of code! Below is some screenshots of what you can do with it currently. Also below is a road map, documentation, and some ramblings about the development process and inner-workings of Cairo and Caroline!
mkdir build
cd build
meson ..
sudo ninja install
You now have a linked library that can be accessed by your app!
A sample application called "Sample.vala" is included in this repo, it contains a simple application to show off how Caroline works. Below is a bare-bones example of how to interface with Caroline.
var carolineWidget = new Caroline.without_colors (
x, //dataX
yArray, //dataY
chartTypes, //chart types
true, //yes or no for generateColors function (needed in the case of the pie chart),
true, //true for generating hue based colors, and false for random colors
false // yes or no for scatter plot labels
or generate your own colors:
ArrayList<Caroline.ChartColor?> chartColorArray = new ArrayList<Caroline.ChartColor?> ();
for (int i = 0; i < cArray.length; i++){
//Create color struct
Caroline.ChartColor chartColor = {
chartColorArray.insert (i, chartColor);
var carolineWidget = new Caroline.with_colors (
x, //dataX
yArray, //dataY
false, //yes or no for generateColors function (needed in the case of the pie chart),
false, //true for generating hue based colors, and false for random colors
false // yes or no for scatter plot labels
This is how we generate a simple line chart. See the full sample application to learn more.
Check out the code! It has lots of detailed documentation and try using the Sample.vala file. Chart types are now bar, line, smooth-line, scatter, and pie.