Project Name: Travel & Tours Website Layout This project is a basic website layout for a travel and tours company. It utilizes HTML5 for the structure and CSS for styling.
Features: Responsive layout that adapts to different screen sizes. Header section with logo and navigation menu. Hero section with a background image, title, and a call to action button. Information section with content cards (can be expanded to include details about the company, location, terms & conditions, etc.). Services section showcasing various travel services offered (can be populated with service descriptions and images). Footer section with copyright information and social media links.
Technologies Used: HTML5 CSS
Getting Started: Clone the repository. Open the index.html file in a web browser to view the website layout.
Future Enhancements: Implement JavaScript for interactive features (e.g., animations, form validation). Integrate a content management system (CMS) for easier content editing. Add responsiveness for different screen sizes and devices. Style the website with a custom theme.
Feel free to: Fork the repository and customize the layout to fit your needs. Experiment with different HTML elements and CSS styles to create a unique design.