The homepage for the Data Culture Group at Northeastern University's College of Arts, Media and Design.
- Fork this repository
- Edit site settings inside file of
- Edit your projects at file of
and inside path of_project/
(for detail project). - Edit about yourself inside file of
a. Add new Category
All categories saved inside path of category/
, you can see the existed categories.
b. Add new Posts
- All posts based on markdown syntax (please googling). allowed extensions is
. - This files can found at the path of
. - and the name of files are following
, for example:
# or
Inside the file of it,
layout: post # (require) default post layout
title: "Your Title" # (require) a string title
date: 2016-04-20 19:51:02 +0700 # (require) a post date
categories: [python, django] # (custom) some categories, but makesure these categories already exists inside path of `category/`
tags: [foo, bar] # (custom) tags only for meta `property="article:tag"`
image: Broadcast_Mail.png # (custom) image only for meta `property="og:image"`, save your image inside path of `static/img/_posts`
# your content post with markdown syntax goes here...
bundle install
jekyll serve
The website is built on top of the "My Stack Problems" Jekyll template created by Agus Makmun.