- The app should list out the different deliveries for the driver.
- When the driver clicks on a delivery, it should show him the details page for the delivery.
- The details page for the delivery has a "Make active" button that the driver uses to make the delivery as their current active delivery.
- While a delivery is active, the driver cannot mark another delivery as active.
- Once the delivery is active, two new buttons should appear: one to mark the delivery as delivered and another to mark it as undelivered.
- When the user clicks one of the buttons, a request will be sent to finish the delivery setting the status to “delivered” or “undelivered”, along with the current gps location of the driver.
- Once the delivery has been delivered, it shouldn’t be possible to active it again, making imposible to finalice the delivery again.
- List deliveries - An endpoint that returns the deliveries assigned to the driver. Containing the customer info and the current delivery status. Default status is “idle”.
- Delivery details - An endpoint to get the detail of a specific delivery. Containing the customer info and the current delivery status. Default status is “idle”.
- Finish delivery - An endpoint to mark a delivery as delivered or undelivered. You have to define the following parameters: * status: To indicate if we want to mark the delivery as delivered or undelivered. * latitude: The latitude from the driver device. * longitude: The longitude from the driver device.
This demo does not handle UI and aesthetics of the application. (This solution will be evaluated based on its code decision and architectural design)
* Write a documentation about how to set up the project, to help the new team members to set up the project easily.
* We care about software quality:
* Apply a clear structure to the project, we like architecture patterns.
* Ensure a proper test coverage level, we like good testing practices, test business logic and views.
* Use a navigation library to navigate between the different pages.
* Use a global state library (Redux, MobX or your choice) to manage the application state.
-for running project assure environment complies with https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup React Native CLI Quickstart tab (including setting JAVA_HOME and ANDROID_SDK_HOME variables)
- in root folder of project(paack-demo/) run in terminal/console:
npm i --save --legacy-peer-deps
(installing project's dependencies)
- android starting up:
npm run android
(If is windows environment use >npm run android-win
ios starting up: open paack-demo/ios/paackdemo.xcworkspace after running:
cd ios
pod install
let xCode index files, if is M1 Apple chip machine exclude arm64 architectures for Any IOS Simulator SDK in Build Settings options and run paackdemo/paackdemo.dev schemas with Debug Build Configuration
on consecutive runs you coud start it even with
npm run ios-dev
only development mode implementations (debug.keystore)
implemented multienvironment suport ading env files for:
- * .env.development
- * .env.staging
- * .env.production
implemented react navigation @6 stack navigator (referenced) in appFiles/navigation folder
implemented 3 screens in appFiles/screens:
- IntroScreen with network connectivity and location permissions checks
- DeliveriesScreen with deliveries list render
- DeliveryDetailsScreen with delivery details and functionalities for making delivery active , changing delivery status
implemented 2 modals components (Loading modal that blocks entire screen while active and InfoModal for outputting messages) and 2 react components in appFiles/UI/components
implemented react-native redux with 2 reducers (appReducer and modalsReducer) and redux-persist in appFiles/appStore
implemented rest api deliveryService in appFiles/services/res using axiosInstance with interceptors and rxjs observable for delivering only response necessary at client-side consumer
implemented unit tests and wrote tests in
folder. For automated tests, run in root folder console/terminal :npm run test
npm run coverage -- -u