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A Cross-Platform NFC (Near Field Communication) plugin to easily read and write NFC tags in your application.


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A Cross-Platform NFC (Near Field Communication) plugin to easily read and write NFC tags in your application.

This plugin uses NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format) for maximum compatibilty between NFC devices, tag types, and operating systems.


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Plugin.NFC Build status Nuget MyGet

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Supported Platforms

Platform Version Tested on
Android 4.4+ Google Nexus 5, Huawei Mate 10 Pro
iOS 11+ iPhone 7

Windows is currently not supported. Pull Requests are welcomed!


Android Specific

  • Add NFC Permission android.permission.NFC and NFC feature android.hardware.nfc in your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NFC" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.nfc" android:required="false" />
  • Add the line CrossNFC.Init(this) in your OnCreate()
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
    TabLayoutResource = Resource.Layout.Tabbar;
    ToolbarResource = Resource.Layout.Toolbar;
    // Plugin NFC: Initialization

    global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, savedInstanceState);
    LoadApplication(new App());
  • Add the line CrossNFC.OnResume() in your OnResume()
protected override void OnResume()

    // Plugin NFC: Restart NFC listening on resume (needed for Android 10+) 
  • Add the line CrossNFC.OnNewIntent(intent) in your OnNewIntent()
protected override void OnNewIntent(Intent intent)

    // Plugin NFC: Tag Discovery Interception

iOS Specific

iOS 13+ is required for writing tags.

An iPhone 7+ and iOS 11+ are required in order to use NFC with iOS devices.

  • Add Near Field Communication Tag Reading capabilty in your Entitlements.plist
  • Add a NFC feature description in your Info.plist
<string>NFC tag to read NDEF messages into the application</string>
  • Add these lines in your Info.plist if you want to interact with ISO 7816 compatible tags

API Usage

Before to use the plugin, please check if NFC feature is supported by the platform using CrossNFC.IsSupported.

To get the current platform implementation of the plugin, please call CrossNFC.Current:

  • Check CrossNFC.Current.IsAvailable to verify if NFC is available.
  • Check CrossNFC.Current.IsEnabled to verify if NFC is enabled.
  • Register events:
// Event raised when a ndef message is received.
CrossNFC.Current.OnMessageReceived += Current_OnMessageReceived;
// Event raised when a ndef message has been published.
CrossNFC.Current.OnMessagePublished += Current_OnMessagePublished;
// Event raised when a tag is discovered. Used for publishing.
CrossNFC.Current.OnTagDiscovered += Current_OnTagDiscovered;
// Event raised when NFC listener status changed
CrossNFC.Current.OnTagListeningStatusChanged += Current_OnTagListeningStatusChanged;

// Android Only:
// Event raised when NFC state has changed.
CrossNFC.Current.OnNfcStatusChanged += Current_OnNfcStatusChanged;

// iOS Only: 
// Event raised when a user cancelled NFC session.
CrossNFC.Current.OniOSReadingSessionCancelled += Current_OniOSReadingSessionCancelled;

Launch app when a compatible tag is detected on Android

In Android, you can use IntentFilter attribute on your MainActivity to initialize tag listening.

[IntentFilter(new[] { NfcAdapter.ActionNdefDiscovered }, Categories = new[] { Intent.CategoryDefault }, DataMimeType = "application/com.companyname.yourapp")]
public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity 

To launch/open an app with a tag, TypeFormat of the record must be set to NFCNdefTypeFormat.Mime and MimeType should be setted to the same value of IntentFilter.DataMimeType (e.g. application/com.companyname.yourapp):

var record = new NFCNdefRecord {
    TypeFormat = NFCNdefTypeFormat.Mime,
    MimeType = "application/com.companyname.yourapp",
    Payload = NFCUtils.EncodeToByteArray(_writePayload)

Read a tag

  • Start listening with CrossNFC.Current.StartListening().
  • When a NDEF message is received, the event OnMessageReceived is raised.

Write a tag

  • To write a tag, call CrossNFC.Current.StartPublishing()
  • Then CrossNFC.Current.PublishMessage(ITagInfo) when OnTagDiscovered event is raised.
  • Do not forget to call CrossNFC.Current.StopPublishing() once the tag has been written.

Clear a tag

  • To clear a tag, call CrossNFC.Current.StartPublishing(clearMessage: true)
  • Then CrossNFC.Current.PublishMessage(ITagInfo) when OnTagDiscovered event is raised.
  • Do not forget to call CrossNFC.Current.StopPublishing() once the tag has been cleared.

For more examples, see sample application in the repository.

Customizing UI messages

  • Set a new NfcConfiguration object to CrossNFC.Current with SetConfiguration(NfcConfiguration cfg) method like below
// Custom NFC configuration (ex. UI messages in French)
CrossNFC.Current.SetConfiguration(new NfcConfiguration
    Messages = new UserDefinedMessages
        NFCWritingNotSupported = "L'écriture des TAGs NFC n'est pas supporté sur cet appareil",
        NFCDialogAlertMessage = "Approchez votre appareil du tag NFC",
        NFCErrorRead = "Erreur de lecture. Veuillez rééssayer",
        NFCErrorEmptyTag = "Ce tag est vide",
        NFCErrorReadOnlyTag = "Ce tag n'est pas accessible en écriture",
        NFCErrorCapacityTag = "La capacité de ce TAG est trop basse",
        NFCErrorMissingTag = "Aucun tag trouvé",
        NFCErrorMissingTagInfo = "Aucune information à écrire sur le tag",
        NFCErrorNotSupportedTag = "Ce tag n'est pas supporté",
        NFCErrorNotCompliantTag = "Ce tag n'est pas compatible NDEF",
        NFCErrorWrite = "Aucune information à écrire sur le tag",
        NFCSuccessRead = "Lecture réussie",
        NFCSuccessWrite = "Ecriture réussie",
        NFCSuccessClear = "Effaçage réussi"


Thanks to Saamer Mansoor (@saamerm) who wrote this excellent article on Medium about Plugin.NFC and how to use it, check it out!

He also made this video:

NFC apps on iOS & Android using Xamarin Forms or Native


Feel free to contribute. PRs are accepted and welcomed.


Inspired by the great work of many developers. Many thanks to:


A Cross-Platform NFC (Near Field Communication) plugin to easily read and write NFC tags in your application.







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