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Update Helm release ingress-nginx to v4.11.3 #621

Update Helm release ingress-nginx to v4.11.3

Update Helm release ingress-nginx to v4.11.3 #621

Workflow file for this run

name: dry-run in kind
kind_version: "v0.15.0"
kind_kubectl_version: "v1.25.0"
argocd_params: "--grpc-web --insecure --server"
argocd_version: "2.4.11"
argocd_projects_dir: "argocd/projects"
go_version: '>=1.18.0'
- "trivy check"
- "sh-checker"
- main
- main
- completed
- main
# paths:
# - .github/workflows/dry-run.yml
# - argocd/**
# - kind/**
# - tests/e2e/**
# - Makefile
# push:
# branches-ignore:
# - main
# paths:
# - .github/workflows/dry-run.yml
# - argocd/**
# - kind/**
# - tests/e2e/**
# - Makefile
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# if: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'success' }}
checks: write
pull-requests: write
- name: "prepare env: clone repo"
uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: "prepare env: show vars"
# run: env
# - name: "debug: end workflow"
# run: "false"
- name: "prepare env: install make"
run: |
sudo apt update
sudo apt install make -y
- name: "prepare env: install golang"
uses: actions/setup-go@v4
go-version: ${{ env.go_version }}
- name: "prepare env: init kind"
uses: helm/kind-action@main
version: "${{ env.kind_version }}"
kubectl_version: "${{ env.kind_kubectl_version }}"
install_only: true
- name: "cluster create"
run: make kind-create
- name: "debug info: golang version"
run: go version
- name: "debug info: kubectl version"
run: kubectl version
- name: "debug info: k8s nodes and cluster-info"
run: kubectl get nodes -o wide; kubectl cluster-info
- name: "prepare cluster: fix prometheus-operator's CRDs"
run: make kind-install-crds
- name: "prepare cluster: install cilium"
run: make cilium-install-ci
- name: "prepare cluster: show all pods"
run: sleep 5 && kubectl get pods -A
- name: "prepare cluster: install ArgoCD"
run: make argocd-deploy
- name: "prepare cluster: wait for argo-cd server ready"
run: kubectl wait -n argocd --timeout=2m --for=condition=available deployment argocd-single-server
- name: "prepare cluster: install nginx-ingress (and gateway-api CRDs)"
run: make nginx-ingress-deploy
- name: "prepare cluster: wait for argo-cd nginx init"
run: sleep 15
# - name: "prepare cluster: install cert-manager"
# run: make cert-manager-deploy
- name: "argo-cd: wait to ingress ready"
run: kubectl wait -n ingress-nginx --timeout=2m --for=condition=available deployment nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller
- name: "debug info: show all deployments"
if: always()
run: kubectl get deployments -A
- name: "debug info: show all pods"
if: always()
run: kubectl get pods -A
- name: "debug info: show all services"
if: always()
run: kubectl get svc -A
- name: "argo-cd: cli init"
uses: clowdhaus/argo-cd-action/@main
version: ${{ env.argocd_version }}
command: version
options: --client
- name: "argo-cd: create projects"
run: kubectl apply -f ${{ env.argocd_projects_dir }}
# - name: "argo-cd: install changed app's defs"
# run: ./scripts/
- name: "argo-cd: install prometheus-stack-deploy"
run: make prometheus-stack-deploy
- name: "fixtures: decrease cpu requests for some workload"
run: |
kubectl -n kube-system scale deployment coredns --replicas=1
kubectl -n kube-system patch deployment coredns --patch '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": [{"name": "coredns", "resources": {"requests": {"cpu": "25m"}}}]}}}}'
argocd ${{ env.argocd_params }} app set nginx-ingress -p controller.resources.requests.cpu=25m
sleep 5
# kubectl -n ingress-nginx delete pods -l
kubectl wait -n ingress-nginx --timeout=2m --for=condition=available deployment nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller
- name: "argo-cd: keptn-prepare-images and install projects"
run: |
make keptn-prepare-images
kubectl -n argocd apply -f argocd/projects/system-keptn.yaml
- name: "argo-cd: install argo-rollouts (and sleep)"
run: kubectl -n argocd apply -f argocd/argo-rollouts.yaml && sleep 10
- name: "argo-cd: install keptn-nats (and sleep)"
run: kubectl -n argocd apply -f argocd/keptn-nats.yaml && sleep 10
- name: "argo-cd: install keptn-mongodb (and sleep)"
run: kubectl -n argocd apply -f argocd/keptn-mongodb.yaml && sleep 10
- name: "keptn: wait for keptn nats ready"
id: keptnWaitToReady1
timeout-minutes: 10
run: |
kubectl -n keptn wait --timeout=10m pod --for=condition=ready -l app=keptn-nats-cluster
- name: "keptn: debug info (nats & mongodb)"
if: failure() && steps.keptnWaitToReady1.outcome == 'failure'
run: |
kubectl -n keptn get deployments,sts --show-kind=true || true
kubectl -n keptn get pods -o wide --show-kind=true || true
kubectl -n keptn get sc,pv,pvc --show-kind=true || true
kubectl -n keptn get svc --show-kind=true || true
kubectl -n keptn get smon --show-kind=true || true
# kubectl -n keptn describe sts -l app=keptn-nats-cluster || true
# kubectl -n keptn describe deployments -l || true
# kubectl -n keptn describe pod -l || true
- name: "argo-cd: install keptn control plane (and sleep)"
run: kubectl -n argocd apply -f argocd/keptn.yaml && sleep 10
- name: "keptn: wait for deploy keptn services"
id: keptnWaitToReady2
timeout-minutes: 15
run: |
kubectl -n keptn wait --timeout=10m deployments --for=condition=available -l
kubectl -n keptn wait --timeout=15m deployments --for=condition=available -l
- name: "keptn: debug info"
if: failure() && steps.keptnWaitToReady2.outcome == 'failure'
run: |
kubectl -n keptn get deployments,sts --show-kind=true || true
kubectl -n keptn get pods --show-kind=true -o wide || true
kubectl -n keptn get sc,pv,pvc --show-kind=true || true
kubectl -n keptn get svc --show-kind=true || true
kubectl -n keptn get smon --show-kind=true || true
echo "debug shipyard: "
kubectl -n keptn describe deployments/shipyard-controller || true
echo "debug statistic service:"
kubectl -n keptn describe deployments/statistics-service || true
kubectl -n keptn describe rs -l || true
kubectl -n keptn describe pod -l || true
echo "debug configuration service:"
kubectl -n keptn describe persistentvolumeclaim/configuration-volume || true
- name: "argo-cd: show all apps"
if: always()
run: argocd app list ${{ env.argocd_params }}
- name: "keptn: download cli"
run: curl --no-progress-meter -sL | bash
- name: "keptn: set login (and check keptn api)"
run: make keptn-set-login
- name: "keptn: wait to roll-out bridge"
id: keptnWaitToReady3
run: kubectl -n keptn rollout status --watch --timeout=5m deployments.apps bridge
- name: "keptn: wait to roll-out bridge - debug info"
if: failure() && steps.keptnWaitToReady3.outcome == 'failure'
run: |
kubectl -n keptn get deployment bridge || true
kubectl -n keptn get deployment -l || true
kubectl -n keptn describe pod -l || true
- name: "keptn: prepare helm chart for hello"
run: make keptn-helloserver-prepare-helm-charts
- name: "keptn: install podtato-head project & app"
run: make keptn-create-project-podtato-head
- name: "keptn: show projects"
run: keptn get projects
- name: "keptn: show services for podtato-head project"
run: keptn get service --project=podtato-head
- name: "run test-network test: create assets"
run: make test-network-apply-assets
- name: "run test-network test: wait to assets"
id: runNetTestWait
run: |
kubectl wait -n test-network --timeout=3m --for=condition=available deployment client
kubectl wait -n test-network --timeout=3m --for=condition=available deployment podinfo
- name: "run test-network test - (double) check"
run: |
rs=$(make test-network-check-status)
echo "$rs"
echo "$rs" |grep "greetings from podinfo"
- name: "run test-network test: debug"
if: failure() && steps.runNetTestWait.outcome == 'failure'
run: |
kubectl -n test-network get po,svc,cnp --show-kind=true || true
kubectl -n test-network describe deployments/client || true
kubectl -n test-network describe rs -l app=client || true
- name: "e2e tests: install dependencies"
run: |
cd tests/e2e
go mod vendor
go env -w GO111MODULE=auto
- name: "e2e tests: list"
run: go list ./...
- name: "e2e tests: run"
id: runE2eTests
run: |
cd tests/e2e
go test ./... -report-dir=./junit -v
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/composite@v1
if: always()
comment_mode: off
files: 'tests/e2e/**/junit_*.xml'
- name: "e2e tests: debug info"
if: failure() && steps.runE2eTests.outcome == 'failure'
run: |
kubectl get pods -A -o wide --show-kind=true || true
kubectl get svc -A --show-kind=true || true
kubectl get secrets -A --show-kind=true || true
kubectl get cnp -A --show-kind=true || true
kubectl get ccnp -A --show-kind=true || true
kubectl get issuers -A --show-kind=true || true
kubectl get certificates -A --show-kind=true || true
kubectl get smon -A --show-kind=true || true
- name: "keptn: show status of podtato-head"
if: always()
run: |
kubectl -n podtato-head-dev get deployment || true
kubectl -n podtato-head-prod get deployment || true
kubectl -n podtato-head-dev get pods || true
kubectl -n podtato-head-prod get pods || true
kubectl -n podtato-head-dev get smon || true
kubectl -n podtato-head-prod get smon || true
- name: "debug: kind node details"
if: always()
run: kubectl describe node