This is a sample microservices app just like sock-shop and online boutique.
Install opentelemetry instrumentation
Create go instrumentation docker image
Create docker images for each service by looking at their respective READMEs
kubectl apply -f K8/manifest.yaml
kubectl port-forward -n atlas service/python-frontend-service 30000 --address=
- Endpoint: python-service:30000/?number=10.
a. Puts the request on kafka queue with this number.
b. Returns a uuid to fetch result. - Endpoint: python-service:30000/result
a. form body must have uuid=3f641773-4d54-44ee-b2eb-290b215116b7.
b. Calls java-service:30001/numbers/{uid} and asks it to get the result.
c. Returns square of the input number multiplied by 2. - Endpoint: python-service:30000/helloGo
a. Calls go-service:30002/ping/
- A kafka queue where python service puts the request and java service fetches this request.
- java service puts the square of number obtained from kafka on db.
- go-service gets this number when asked by java-service to obtain result.
- Kafka listener which keeps consuming from kafka queue. It squares this number and puts on db.
- Endpoint: localhost:30000/getResult?uuid=3f641773-4d54-44ee-b2eb-290b215116b7
a. Calls go-service:30002/fetchNumber?uuid=3f641773-4d54-44ee-b2eb-290b215116b7 and asks for result
b. Returns the number recived by go-service after multiplying it by 2.
- Endpoint: go-service:30002/fetchNumber?uuid=3f641773-4d54-44ee-b2eb-290b215116b7
a. Fetched this uuid from DB.
b. Multiplies it by 2 and returns. - Endpoint: go-service:30002/ping
a. Simply returns pong - Endpoint: go-service:30002/pingPython
a. Calls python-service:30000/helloGo
TODO - Add documentation Adarsh