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ranieremenezes authored Oct 3, 2023
1 parent c5cfff6 commit da99132
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 179 deletions.
179 changes: 0 additions & 179 deletions magicctapipe/scripts/lst1_magic/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,182 +31,3 @@ MAGIC+LST analysis starts from MAGIC calibrated data (\_Y\_ files), LST DL1 data
- `` to create the IRF
- `` to create DL3 files, and `` to create DL3 HDU and index files

## MAGIC+LST analysis: data reduction tutorial (PRELIMINARY)

1) The very first step to reduce MAGIC-LST data is to have remote access/credentials to the IT Container, so provide one. Once you have it, the connection steps are the following:

Authorized institute server (Client) → ssh connection to CTALaPalma → ssh connection to cp01/02

2) Once connected to the IT Container, install MAGIC-CTA-PIPE (e.g. in your home directory in the IT Container) following the tutorial here:

3) Do not forget to open the magic-lst environment with the command `conda activate magic-lst` before starting the analysis

### DL0 to DL1

In this step, we will convert the MAGIC and Monte Carlo (MC) Data Level (DL) 0 to DL1 (our goal is to reach DL3).

Now copy all the python scripts available here to your preferred directory (e.g. /fefs/aswg/workspace/yourname/yourprojectname) in the IT Container, as well as the files `config_general.yaml`, `MAGIC_runs.txt` and `LST_runs.txt`.

The file `config_general.yaml` must contain the telescope IDs and the directories with the MC data, as shown below:
LST-1: 1
LST-2: 0
LST-3: 0
LST-4: 0
workspace_dir : "/fefs/aswg/workspace/yourname/yourprojectname/"
target_name : "CrabTeste"
MC_gammas : "/fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL0/LSTProd2/TestDataset/sim_telarray"
MC_electrons : "/fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL0/LSTProd2/TestDataset/Electrons/sim_telarray/"
MC_helium : "/fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL0/LSTProd2/TestDataset/Helium/sim_telarray/"
MC_protons : "/fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL0/LSTProd2/TrainingDataset/Protons/dec_2276/sim_telarray"
MC_gammadiff : "/fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL0/LSTProd2/TrainingDataset/GammaDiffuse/dec_2276/sim_telarray/"
target_RA_deg : 83.633083 #RA in degrees
target_Dec_deg : 22.0145 #Dec in degrees
SimTel_version : "v1.4"
LST_version : "v0.9"
focal_length : "effective" #effective #nominal
MAGIC_runs : "MAGIC_runs.txt" #If there is no MAGIC data, please fill this file with "0, 0"
LST_runs : "LST_runs.txt"
proton_train_fraction : 0.8 # 0.8 means that 80% of the DL1 protons will be used for training the Random Forest
env_name : magic-lst

The file `MAGIC_runs.txt` looks like that:

The columns here represent the night and run in which you want to select data. Please do not add blank spaces in the rows, as these names will be used to i) find the MAGIC data in the IT Container and ii) create the subdirectories in your working directory. If there is no MAGIC data, please fill this file with "0,0". Similarly, the `LST_runs.txt` file looks like this:

Note that the LST nights appear as being one day before MAGIC's!!! This is because LST saves the date at the beginning of the night, while MAGIC saves it at the end. If there is no LST data, please fill this file with "0,0". These files are the only ones we need to modify in order to convert DL0 into DL1 data.

In this analysis, we use a wobble of 0.4°.

To convert the MAGIC and SimTelArray MCs data into DL1 format, you first do the following:
> $ python
***** Linking MC paths - this may take a few minutes ******
*** Reducing DL0 to DL1 data - this can take many hours ***
Process name: yourprojectnameCrabTeste
To check the jobs submitted to the cluster, type: squeue -n yourprojectnameCrabTeste
Note that this script can be run as
> $ python --analysis-type onlyMAGIC

> $ python --analysis-type onlyMC
if you want to convert only MAGIC or only MC DL0 files to DL1, respectively.

The script `` does a series of things:
- Creates a directory with your source name within the directory `yourprojectname` and several subdirectories inside it that are necessary for the rest of the data reduction.
- Generates a configuration file called config_step1.yaml with and telescope ID information and adopted imaging/cleaning cuts, and puts it in the directory created in the previous step.
- Links the MAGIC and MC data addresses to their respective subdirectories defined in the previous steps.
- Runs the scripts `` and `` for each one of the linked data files.

In the file `config_general.yaml`, the sequence of telescopes is always LST1, LST2, LST3, LST4, MAGIC-I, MAGIC-II. So in this tutorial, we have
LST-1 ID = 1
LST-2 ID = 0
LST-3 ID = 0
LST-4 ID = 0
If the telescope ID is set to 0, this means that the telescope is not used in the analysis.

You can check if this process is done by typing
> $ squeue -n yourprojectnameCrabTeste
> $ squeue -u your_user_name
in the terminal. Once it is done, all of the subdirectories in `/fefs/aswg/workspace/yourname/yourprojectname/CrabTeste/DL1/` will be filled with files of the type `dl1_[...]_LST1_MAGIC1_MAGIC2_runXXXXXX.h5` for the MCs and `dl1_MX.RunXXXXXX.0XX.h5` for the MAGIC runs. The next step of the conversion of DL0 to DL1 is to split the DL1 MC proton sample into "train" and "test" datasets (these will be used later in the Random Forest event classification and to do some diagnostic plots) and to merge all the MAGIC data files such that in the end, we have only one datafile per night. To do so, we run the following script:

> $ python
***** Splitting protons into 'train' and 'test' datasets...
***** Generating merge bashscripts...
***** Running in the MAGIC data files...
Process name: merging_CrabTeste
To check the jobs submitted to the cluster, type: squeue -n merging_CrabTeste

This script will slice the proton MC sample according to the entry "proton_train_fraction" in the "config_general.yaml" file, and then it will merge the MAGIC data files in the following order:
- MAGIC subruns are merged into single runs.
- MAGIC I and II runs are merged (only if both telescopes are used, of course).
- All runs in specific nights are merged, such that in the end we have only one datafile per night.
- Proton MC training data is merged.
- Proton MC testing data is merged.
- Diffuse MC gammas are merged.
- MC gammas are merged.

### Coincident events and stereo parameters on DL1

To find coincident events between MAGIC and LST, starting from DL1 data, we run the following script:

> $ python
This script creates the file config_coincidence.yaml containing the telescope IDs and the following parameters:
LST-1: 1
LST-2: 0
LST-3: 0
LST-4: 0
timestamp_type_lst: "dragon_time" # select "dragon_time", "tib_time" or "ucts_time"
window_half_width: "300 ns"
pre_offset_search: true
n_pre_offset_search_events: 100
start: "-10 us"
stop: "0 us"

It then links the real LST data files to the output directory [...]DL1/Observations/Coincident, and runs the script in all of them.

Once it is done, we add stereo parameters to the MAGIC+LST coincident DL1 data by running:

> $ python
This script creates the file config_stereo.yaml with the follwoing parameters:
LST-1: 1
LST-2: 0
LST-3: 0
LST-4: 0
quality_cuts: "(intensity > 50) & (width > 0)"
theta_uplim: "6 arcmin"

It then creates the output directories for the DL1 with stereo parameters [...]DL1/Observations/Coincident_stereo/SEVERALNIGHTS and [...]/DL1/MC/GAMMAorPROTON/Merged/StereoMerged, and then runs the script in all of the coincident DL1 files. The stereo DL1 files for MC and real data are then saved in these directories.

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