This repository aids in creation of AWS client VPN endpoints. Most of the work happens in Ansible, where I have created templates consisting of different configuration blocks. These blocks take in a list of users as a variable, and generate the final Terraform configuration files.
The basic gist of this is as such:
- CA and user certs generated and uploaded to ACM
- creation of client endpoints
- templates to generate Terraform config files with user list as input variable
- script to associate/disassociate all endpoints as needed
- script to pull down AWS Client VPN configs, source key and cert variables from Boto and construct working .ovpn file
Set AWS keys in .env file. Initiate a pipenv with pipenv install && pipenv shell
to load environment variables.
Terraform commands are run from within the ansible folder
e.g. ansible-playbook playbooks/terraform-plan.yml
Terraform environment may need to be initalized.
- create vpn endpoints
- source single variable list for usernames
- python script for disassociating/associating
- python script for fetching .ovpn files and appending cert and key
- ansible playbook for associating/disassociating client VPN endpoint targets?
- subnet creation for ClientVPN endpoints with appropriate tagging (ClientVPN: true)
- creation of appropriate routes, etc. once associated with target network (likely python implemented in existing script)
- fix folder structure (create scripts folder, etc.)
- distribution of .ovpn config files