Some computational physics projects/code.
Active homogeneous simulates an active fluid in shear flow. Newton's Method is used to solve for the dynamics of a nematic order parameter, and stress vs strain curves are generated. Requires scipy, matplotlib, and numpy.
Crank solves for the inhomogeneous case, using a Crank-Nicholson finite difference method, and assuming grad(Q) = 0 at the boundaries. Requires numpy and matplotlib.
Scalar wave solves the scalar wave equation in a box, using spectral methods, and generates a animation of this. Requires fftw.
Dynamics.go is a 2-D molecular dynamics simulation in a box using a Lennard Jones potential, a cut-off distance, periodic boundary conditions, and the minimum image convention. It outputs a file with tab separated columns of the kinetic and potential energy at each time step. Requires input file that has particle number, box size, and all particle starting positions / velocities in x and y.
Wca_dynamics.go is a 3-D molecular dynamics simulation in a box using a weeks-chandler-andersen potential, periodic boundary conditions, and the minimum image convention. It outputs two files formatted to be input to Ovito, of the "real" and "periodic" particle positions at each timestep. Requires input file that has particle number, box size, and all particle starting positions / velocities in x,y, and z.
Ising_2d.go solves a NxN (N supplied by user) 2D ising model for temperatures ranging from .1 to 4 (k_b = 1), where coupling constant and magnetic field strength can be set within the code. Average energy per site is tracked and returned.
- is an implementation of the Swendsen-Wang cluster algorithm for the 2D N x N ising model in Python 3; magnetization, energy, and autocorrelation are calculated
- solves for the dynamics of a driven and damped pendulum via the Euler, Cromer, and Verlet methods. It outputs files with the angle and angular velocity of the pendulum at each time step, for each method. Requires matplotlib.
Res.go is a Go program that calculates the 2-D relativistic kinematics resulting from 2 particles colliding. Requires draw2d package.
Finite methods is a python program that uses finite element analysis to determine the final temperature on a bar attached to a wall, given an initial temperature, a function defining the bar over its length, and other parameters. Requires scipy and numpy.
Thermrand creates a random grid of cells with some integer from 1-10, and for each step in time, the highest number moves in a random direction into another cell. The grid is eventually plotted with red representing a higher sum of numbers in the cell, blue being a lower sum. Requires Tkinter.