The purpose of this repository is to serve as a hub for those looking to typeset game theory models. In particular, Strategic (or Normal) Form games and Extensive Form (or Sequential) games, and the common tools relevant to working with each of these models.
Despite be a commonly-offered course in the field of economics (or adjacent), there are few freely accessible resources out there for actually creating games. My hope is that this repo grows over time and either provides you with tools you need to make the games you want. On the other hand, the least this repository can do for you is provide you with some resource that says "there aren't any common tools for creating games in <my-desired-format
If you know of or have built tools for making games, please open an issue, submit a PR, or email me at cwiegand-at-uoregon-dot-edu.
All projects are licensed under there respective licenses from their respective copyright holders.