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Lightweight Activities Runtime and Authoring (LARA)

Code Climate Build Status

This is a Rails application intended to provide a platform for authoring and using "Lightweight" activities.

Getting started

We use Docker for our local development. We also are currently using rails-lts which is a non-open source version of Rails that includes security backports for Rails 3.2. So your dockerhub user will need access to to do development.

Create GitHub personal access token and select the read:packages scope to download container images and read their metadata

More details:

Save your token as an environment variable:


Log in to docker if you haven't already:

echo $CR_PAT | docker login -u USERNAME --password-stdin

To get started quickly, run:

docker-compose up

You can now access LARA at http://localhost:3000

This will be very slow on OS X and not support a connection to the portal. So we use docker-compose override files to layer additional features onto the basic compose file. These overrides are specified in a .env file. To make the initial setup easier there is a .env-osx-sample file that contains the standard setup we use. So you can simply:

cp .env-osx-sample .env
docker-compose up

Note: If you don't have Dinghy setup, you need to follow the directions in the Dinghy section before continuing.

Now open LARA at http://app.lara.docker

Sign up a new user at: http://app.lara.docker/users/sign_up

Make that user an admin

docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake lightweight:admin_last_user

If you see a warning about a confict with a built-in method OmniAuth, it can be ignored.

Finally, sign out and sign back in again using http://app.lara.docker/users/sign_in

SSO with a local portal

Follow the directions in the SSO Clients and LARA (authoring) integration section of the Portal's README.

Communication with reporting service

To communicate with reporting service you need to make sure you update '.env' with below variables


Automation setup to use same super domain for portal and lara

Automation scripts need portal and lara to be in same super domain.

  1. In Lara edit '.env' and add LARA_HOST as and LARA_PROTOCOL as https
  2. In Lara edit '.env' and update PORTAL_HOST as and PORTAL_PROTOCOL as https

Users and administration

User authentication is handled by Devise. Currently, the confirmation plugin is not enabled, so anyone who fills out the registration form at /users/sign_up will be automatically confirmed as a user. To get author or administrator privilege, the newly-registered user would need to be given those privileges by an existing admin user (on deployed systems e.g. staging or production).

Some details about the relative authorization privileges of the author, admin and anonymous roles can be found by looking at the Ability class at app/models/ability.rb.

Setup Dinghy on OS X

You only need to do this once. And it can be used with all docker and docker-compose containers.

Startup up a restartable proxying container with a DNS server:

docker run -d --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro -v ~/.dinghy/certs:/etc/nginx/certs -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 19322:19322/udp -e CONTAINER_NAME=http-proxy --name http-proxy codekitchen/dinghy-http-proxy

Create file /etc/resolver/docker with the following contents.

port 19322

If you have a local webserver running on localhost:80 you either need to move that to a different port, or change the port mapping used by dingy. You can do that by changing the argument -p 80:80 to -p [new port]:80

Enabling SSL for Dinghy reverse proxy on OS X

Warning: Switching to SSL might break some things. You will probably need to update database entities:

  • external_activities in the Portal
  • runs and sequence_runs in LARA (remote_endpoints)
  • maybe some SSO paths?

Installing certificates, and configuring the docker overlay:

  1. install mkcert : brew install mkcert
  2. Create and install the trusted CA in keychain: mkcert -install
  3. Ensure you have a certificate directory: mkdir -p ~/.dinghy/certs
  4. Make certs:
    1. cd ~/.dinghy/certs
    2. mkcert -cert-file app.lara.docker.crt -key-file app.lara.docker.key app.lara.docker
    3. mkcert -cert-file app.portal.docker.crt -key-file app.portal.docker.key app.portal.docker
    4. For automation:
      1. mkcert -cert-file -key-file
      2. mkcert -cert-file -key-file
  5. You should be using docker-compose-portal-proxy.yml in your docker overlays. Check for the COMPOSE_FILE= entry in .env includes that overlay.
  6. Edit your .env file to include PORTAL_PROTOCOL=https

GitHub Codespaces

Github Codespaces is a cloud-based development environment. We are currently using it to do development work on LARA and Portal since it’s proven difficult to do local development on those codebases on M1 MacBooks.

Github’s documentation for Codespaces can be found at here.

You will need to set up separate codespaces for LARA and the Portal.

Use of Codespaces incurs an hourly cost. The amount is not a lot, but it should be kept in mind. Codespaces will shut themselves down automatically after a period of inactivity, but it would be best to manually shut them down when you’re done working in order to minimize cost.

You can use Codespaces in web browser or you can connect to selected machine from desktop Visual Studio Code if you install a Codespaces extension.

Basic setup

  • Your GitHub account needs to have Codespaces activated by the organization admin.
  • Go to the page for the repository you will be working on.
  • Click on the Code button, then click the Codespaces tab, and then click the “Create codespace on master” button.
  • LARA should be fine with 2-core machine, however 4-core seems to work significantly faster.

Once machine is up and running, most of the steps described for local development are still valid for GH Codespaces. The main difference is that you should copy .env-gh-codespaces-sample to .env (instead of .env-osx-sample), there's no need for Dinghy setup, and LARA and Portal hosts will be significantly different. However, everything you need to do in practice is described below.

  1. Run:

      cp .env-gh-codespaces-sample .env
  2. Open Portal GitHub Codespace, run echo ${CODESPACE_NAME} in terminal, and set PORTAL_CODESPACE_NAME variable in LARA's .env file.

  3. Set REPORT_SERVICE_TOKEN in LARA's .env file following instructions that can be found there.

  4. Create GitHub personal access token and select the read:packages scope to download container images and read their metadata. More details:

    Save your token as an environment variable and log in to docker:

      export CR_PAT=YOUR_TOKEN
      echo $CR_PAT | docker login -u USERNAME --password-stdin
  5. Run

      docker-compose up
  6. Once the app has started, open "Ports" tab in Visual Studio Code. Find a process that uses port 3000 and change its visibility to public (right click on "Private" -> Port Visibility -> Public). You should see an updated address in "Local Address" column. You can open this URL in the web browser and LARA should load. It seems it's necessary to do it each time you run docker-compose up.

  7. Now, your LARA instance should work with Portal, Activity Player and basic reports. You can login to LARA through Localhost (Portal running on another GH Codespace) using admin, password credentials. You are now logged in with [email protected] in LARA, however this user is not actually an admin in LARA. Run the following command in terminal in the LARA Codespaces:

      docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake lightweight:admin_last_user
  8. If you don't need Portal, you can skip all the instructions related to it. Finally, add users/sign_up to the URL and create a new user there. You can make this user an admin by running following command:

      docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake lightweight:admin_last_user

Editing CSS

This project was setup with Compass, however, you shouldn't ever need to run compass watch. The asset pipeline should take care of itself in development mode. This project does use Sass for the stylesheets.


The runtime environment supports the idea of themes. Themes mostly take the form of stylesheets. The themes come in two main families, the CC theme and the MW theme. You can look at app/assets/stylesheets/cc-runtime-base.scss or app/assets/stylesheets/mw-runtime-base.scss to see the two main families. Most themes inherit from cc-runtime-base, see for example has-atmosphere.scss which uses partials/_cc-theme-template.scss

Theme stylesheets must be added to the config.assets.precompile list in config/environments/production.rb in order to function in production environments.

Running RSpec tests

While developing, you might wish to run integration tests inside a Docker container.

First make sure your normal containers are running with docker-compose up

For continuously running the tests with guard

docker-compose exec app docker/dev/

For running the tests just once

docker-compose exec app docker/dev/

It can also be useful to start a bash shell in the container, setup the test environment and then manually run rspec from inside of that shell. You start a bash shell with

docker-compose exec app /bin/bash

Adding code coverage reports

If you set the COVERAGE_REPORT environment variable to a non-falsy value a html code coverage report will be generated in the (git ignored) coverage directory.

To use this under Docker run docker-compose up followed by either

  • docker-compose exec -e COVERAGE_REPORT=true app docker/dev/
  • docker-compose exec -e COVERAGE_REPORT=true app docker/dev/

Running Jasmine tests

docker-compose run -p 8888:8888 --rm app bundle exec rake jasmine

and open http://localhost:8888

Running the tests with PhantomJS is not currently working If it was working you could run

docker-compose run --rm app bundle exec rake jasmine:ci

Adding Embeddable support

This may be obsolete as of April 2013

To support new Embeddables:

  • Add a model definition and controller in app/models/embeddable/ app/controllers/embeddable/, respectively. The controller should have the necessary code to accept in-place-editing updates of individual fields in the Embeddable.
  • Add the resource to the "embeddable" namespace in config/routes.rb.
  • Add a view directory at app/views/embeddable/<embeddable_name>
  • Provide a _lightweight.html.haml partial within that view directory (for showing the Embeddable within an InteractivePage)
  • Provide a _author.html.haml partial as well (for editing the Embeddable)
  • Add the Embeddable to the Embeddable::Types constant in app/models/embeddable.rb.
  • Add a human name for the embeddable to the activerecord.models section in config/locales/en.yml
  • There may be additional steps needed if the Embeddable is a question (i.e. it prompts the user for some kind of response which needs to be saved). Note LightweightActivity#questions for example.

Current work: reporting

LARA's runtime is being rebuilt to support reporting student answers and progress to Concord's project portals.

External Scripting & new LARA Plugin API##

Delayed Job background job processing

see the readme at the github page

Delayed Job will run in synchronous mode unless one of two conditions is met:

  1. Rails is running in production mode, eg: RAILS_ENV=production rails s
  2. The environment variable DELAYEDJOB is set, eg: DELAYEDJOB=1 rails s

This configuration check happens in the initializer config/initializers/delayed_job_config.rb

To enque a job simply add handle_asynchronously :method_name to your models. eg:

class Device
  def deliver
    # long running method
  handle_asynchronously :deliver

There are other methods for enqueing jobs, but this is the easiest.

Docker and docker-compose for developers:

For more information about the docker setup look at the portal docker documentation.


This application was developed as a standalone version of the original code developed for the Lightweight Activities Plugin.. "Lightweight" has a specific meaning at Concord; briefly, it means an activity or interactive which may be run without Java, and it implies HTML5.

LARA Interactive API

The LARA Interactive API defines how the runtime javascript of LARA interacts with embedded iframe content. The documentation can be found here

Old Non Docker setup

This example assumes that rvm is installed. This could be a good idea because we use an older version of ruby.

git clone
cd lara
bundle install
cp config/database.sample.yml config/database.yml (need to fix the mysql password and/or user)
cp config/app_environment_variables.sample.rb config/app_environment_variables.rb
rake db:setup

Run rake secret and copy result to ENV['SECRET_TOKEN'] in config/app_environment_variables.rb.

rails s


LARA is released under the MIT License.