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Unofficial fullnode images

Docker Hub: coinmetrics/

This repo contains scripts to build fullnode images of various blockchains by Coin Metrics.

These images are being used internally at Coin Metrics, and are published in the hope they will be useful, but without any warranty. No support is available. You are using them at your own risk.

This repository is new, experimental, and work in progress. If you want more stable experience, please consider the Fullnodes group of repositories by Coin Metrics, which are still updated.


  • The scripts build fullnodes from source, rather than by packaging official binaries
  • Nix is used for building binaries and images
  • Images are very minimal and include only necessary packages to run a fullnode (Nix closure)

Updating versions

When updating a node's version, the source's hashes need to be recomputed.

This can be done using either nix-prefetch-git for git repos:

$ nix-prefetch-git --rev v4.6.0 --url
Initialized empty Git repository in /private/var/folders/rz/1m0q0l855hngpws3qwzqcync0000gn/T/git-checkout-tmp-W2giH8fN/lighthouse/.git/
remote: Enumerating objects: 1501, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1501/1501), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1307/1307), done.
remote: Total 1501 (delta 148), reused 575 (delta 92), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (1501/1501), 29.79 MiB | 25.92 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (148/148), done.
 * tag               v4.6.0     -> FETCH_HEAD
Switched to a new branch 'fetchgit'
removing `.git'...

git revision is 1be5253610dc8fee3bf4b7a8dc1d01254bc5b57d
path is /nix/store/si3xl4ngl4jfa8qv0f3c8xn9z95kg80v-lighthouse
git human-readable version is -- none --
Commit date is 2024-01-25 10:02:00 +1100
hash is 0pnybhp1j91misc866nqf6pjxz7q3z5wkxqr0cvccpfqbffxbjmq
  "url": "",
  "rev": "1be5253610dc8fee3bf4b7a8dc1d01254bc5b57d",
  "date": "2024-01-25T10:02:00+11:00",
  "path": "/nix/store/si3xl4ngl4jfa8qv0f3c8xn9z95kg80v-lighthouse",
  "sha256": "0pnybhp1j91misc866nqf6pjxz7q3z5wkxqr0cvccpfqbffxbjmq",
  "hash": "sha256-uMrVnVvYXcY2Axn3ycsf+Pwur3HYGoOYjjUkGS5c3l4=",
  "fetchLFS": false,
  "fetchSubmodules": false,
  "deepClone": false,
  "leaveDotGit": false

Or using nix-prefetch-url for other resources:

$ nix-prefetch-url --type sha256
path is '/nix/store/6rc7sqqgmnh91j99j3xsqlb91h4zz1gw-bitcoin-qt.desktop'

For Go repositories, the vendor hash cannot be pre-computed.

Changes to source code

Scripts use original source code downloads for building software, but may also apply additional patches. Such patches are usually placed in fullnodes/<specific fullnode>/patches directories.

Bitcoin ZMCE

Patch files can be generated by running:

git diff vXX.0..vXX.0-zmce > vXX.0-zmce.patch


The images are rebuilt regularly with latest versions of dependencies. Builds are performed on Coin Metrics infrastructure.


Content of this repository is made available under MIT license, see LICENSE file. Note that this repository only contains scripts to build blockchain software from source code. Sources of the software are distributed under their own licenses. Please consult upstream documentation for details.

For maintainers

Adding a new fullnode

Use this commit as a guide for adding new fullnodes. Create a new Docker Hub repository and assign the bots team Read & Write permissions.


Unofficial Nix-based fullnode images








No releases published


