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douglascamata edited this page May 4, 2012 · 5 revisions

05/06 May 2012 splinter sprint on dev in cachu (

We are holding a splinter sprint on 05/06 of May, with contributors from all over the world. Many sprinters will be working over the weekend as well.

The rest of this page contains the original sprint introduction.

What is a splinter sprint?

Basically, a splinter sprint is an excuse for people to focus their undivided attention, for a set time frame, on improving splinter. It's a focused, scheduled effort to fix bugs, add new features and improve documentation.

Anybody, anywhere around the world, can participate and contribute.

If you've never contributed to splinter before, this is the perfect chance for you to chip in.

How to contribute

  • Choose an issue
  • Create a fork
  • Send a pull request
  • Remember: all new features should be well tested and documented. An issue can't be closed if there isn't docs for the solution code.

Preparing for the sprint

  • Get an IRC client, so that you can join us in the channel [#cobrateam](irc:// #cobrateam) on Freenode.


In person (cachoeiro de itapemirin, Brazil -- at dev in cachu)


  • Put your name here