Virtual Machine & MySQL DB installation
Introduction & CAP theorem
Write a report for each task and send me email.
Current Task: Task1
Task2: Design a schema for movies, and import all data from movies.csv, and The Requirements are as follows:
- Data File is in tasks/task2: Movies Data File Structure (movies.csv)
- retrieve the number of movies in each genre
- reverse engineer the new schema
Task1: Install mysql server and import the test data which is provided by "Database System Concepts 6th Edition", and The Requirements are as follows:
- create a database schema in mysql, the new schema's name is your student id
- import the test data (DDL_createtbwithpredrop & largeRelationsInsertFile)
- retrieve the number of students in each department
- reverse engineer the new schema
Please read and we will discuss later.
Gilbert, S. and N. Lynch, Perspectives on the CAP Theorem. Computer, 2011. 45(2): p. 30-36.
Avi Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan. Database System Concepts 6th Edition. McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-352332-1
These files are in resources: