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Implementation of the DPD architecture and related experiments for the ACL 2024 paper "Semisupervised Neural Proto-Language Reconstruction"

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Semisupervised Neural Proto-Language Reconstruction

This repository accompanies the paper "Semisupervised Neural Proto-Language Reconstruction" at ACL 2024.



acl2024 slides gif

TL;DR: We introduce the novel task of semisupervised protoform reconstruction and propose a neural architecture informed by historical linguists' comparative method, which outperforms baseline methods in almost all situations.

Abstract: Existing work implementing comparative reconstruction of ancestral languages (proto-languages) has usually required full supervision. However, historical reconstruction models are only of practical value if they can be trained with a limited amount of labeled data. We propose a semisupervised historical reconstruction task in which the model is trained on only a small amount of labeled data (cognate sets with proto-forms) and a large amount of unlabeled data (cognate sets without proto-forms). We propose a neural architecture for comparative reconstruction (DPD-BiReconstructor) incorporating an essential insight from linguists' comparative method: that reconstructed words should not only be reconstructable from their daughter words, but also deterministically transformable back into their daughter words. We show that this architecture is able to leverage unlabeled cognate sets to outperform strong semisupervised baselines on this novel task.

Checkpoints are available on Hugging Face

Set up

Python Environment

conda create --name dpd python=3.10.13 --yes
conda activate dpd

pip install editdistance==0.6.2 einops==0.6.1 huggingface-hub==0.16.4 lightning-utilities==0.8.0 lingpy==2.6.9 lingrex==1.3.0 matplotlib==3.7.1 numpy==1.24.3 pandas==2.0.2 Pillow==9.4.0 pytorch-lightning==2.0.4 sacrebleu==2.3.1 seaborn==0.12.2 tabulate==0.9.0 tokenizers==0.13.3 toml==0.10.2 torch==2.0.1 torchaudio==2.0.2 torchmetrics==0.11.4 torchshow==0.5.0 torchvision==0.15.2 tqdm==4.65.0 transformers==4.31.0 wandb==0.15.3 scikit-learn==1.4.0 scipy==1.12.0 lingpy==2.6.9 lingrex==1.3.0 newick==1.9.0 python-dotenv pandasql==0.7.3
pip install panphon@git+


We recommend using cuda GPUs. The --cpu flag allows running the code ( on the CPU.


The code relies on WandB for results logging and checkpointing. To set up WandB, modify the .env file with your WandB entity and project in the following format:

WANDB_ENTITY = "awandbentity"
WANDB_PROJECT = "awandbproject"


Rom-phon is not licensed for redistribution. Please contact Ciobanu and Dinu (2014) to obtain the full Romance dataset. WikiHan is licensed under cc0 and is located in data with the name chinese_wikihan2022.

Using Checkpoints

load_checkpoint.ipynb provides an example of how a checkpoint can be loaded and evaluated.

Running Experiments is the main script to run experiments.

See .sh files under the shs directory for commands. We ran all the .sh files 10 times. Commands to replicate a single experiment can be found with the .sh file for the corresponding dataset, labeling setting, and group.

For example, running a 20% labeled group 1 Rom-phon Trans-DPD-ΠM experiment corresponds to running this command:


python --logmodel --tags paper $GROUP_NAME --vram_thresh 2000 --architecture=Transformer --batch_size=256 --beta1=0.9 --beta2=0.999 --check_val_every_n_epoch=1 --cringe_alpha=0.3294570624337493 --cringe_k=2 --d2p_dropout_p=0.3452534566458349 --d2p_embedding_dim=384 --d2p_feedforward_dim=512 --d2p_inference_decode_max_length=30 --d2p_max_len=128 --d2p_nhead=8 --d2p_num_decoder_layers=2 --d2p_num_encoder_layers=2 --d2p_recon_loss_weight=1.0333179173348133 --d2p_use_lang_separaters=True --dataset=Nromance_ipa --datasetseed=$DATASET_SEED --emb_pred_loss_weight=0.4612113930336585 --eps=1e-08 --lr=0.0006180685060490792 --max_epochs=206 --min_daughters=1 --p2d_all_lang_summary_only=True --p2d_dropout_p=0.31684496334382184 --p2d_embedding_dim=256 --p2d_feedforward_dim=512 --p2d_inference_decode_max_length=30 --p2d_loss_on_gold_weight=0.5989036965133778 --p2d_loss_on_pred_weight=0.8703013320652477 --p2d_max_len=128 --p2d_nhead=8 --p2d_num_decoder_layers=2 --p2d_num_encoder_layers=2 --pi_consistency_rampup_length=23 --pi_consistency_type=mse --pi_max_consistency_scaling=301.2992611249976 --proportion_labelled=$PROPORTION_LABELLED --skip_daughter_tone=False --skip_protoform_tone=False --strat=pimodel_bpall_cringe --test_val_batch_size=256 --universal_embedding=True --universal_embedding_dim=384 --use_xavier_init=True --warmup_epochs=29 --weight_decay=1e-07

Doing statistics, making tables, and making plots

See stats.ipynb



  • 100% supervised experiments are identified by exclude_unlabelled but are equivalent when unlabelled data is included.
  • The WikiHan dataset could have been referred to as any of wikihan, chinese_wikihan, or chinese_wikihan2022 in the code.
  • The Rom-phon dataset could have been referred to as any of Nromance_ipa, Nrom_ipa, or Nrom in the code. The prefix N has no meaning.
  • The strategy-architecture pairs have the following identifiers:
    • GRUSupv = GRU-SUPV
    • GRUPi = GRU-ΠM
    • GRUBpall = GRU-DPD
    • GRUBpallPi = GRU-DPD-ΠM
    • TransSupv = Trans-SUPV
    • TransPi = Trans-ΠM
    • TransBpall = Trans-DPD
    • TransBpallPi = Trans-DPD-ΠM
    • GRUSupvBst = GRU-SUPV-BST
    • GRUPiBst = GRU-ΠM-BST
    • GRUBpallBst = GRU-DPD-BST
    • GRUBpallPiBst = GRU-DPD-ΠM-BST
    • TransSupvBst = Trans-SUPV-BST
    • TransPiBst = Trans-ΠM-BST
    • TransBpallBst = Trans-DPD-BST
    • TransBpallPiBst = Trans-DPD-ΠM-BST
  • Strategies can also have the following identifiers:
    • supervised_only = SUPV
    • pimodel = ΠM
    • bpall_cringe = DPD
    • pimodel_bpall_cringe = DPD-ΠM


  • Transformer and GRU implementation are based on Kim et al. (2023) and Chang et al. (2022)’s PyTorch reimplementation of Meloni et al. (2021).
  • These code segments are not used and can be safely ignored, including:
    • VAE
    • Beam search decode, which is not supported for DPD
    • alignment_convolution_masking and convolution_masking_residue when computing CRINGE loss
    • GatedMLP
    • p2d_lang_embedding_when_decoder, p2d_prompt_mlp_with_one_hot_lang, and p2d_gated_mlp_by_target_lang are never enabled


Implementation of the DPD architecture and related experiments for the ACL 2024 paper "Semisupervised Neural Proto-Language Reconstruction"






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