This repository contains all relevant files for the SIGEVO Summer School 2024 modelling projects. It is organized as follows:
- In the
folder you can find the slides of the "Constructive search" and "Local search" presentations given during the summer school, and the project statement, which includes the description of the problems and the modelling API documentation. - In the
folder you can find all the code, including the API code, a simple TSP example model, and several evaluators to validate solutions obtained for the problems. - In the
folder you can find some problem instances that you can use to test the models.
- Carlos M. Fonseca, University of Coimbra, Portugal
- Diederick Vermetten, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, Netherlands
This work is partially funded by the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC), within the scope of CISUC R&D Unit -- UIDB/00326/2020 or project code UIDP/00326/2020.