git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive
Run the following script to generate assets
We start to use [LibVIPS], since it's very fast:
On Mac OS X just run:
brew install vips
vips dzsave front.jpg front -t 512 --layout iiif --id '.'
URL_PREFIX=http://localhost:1313/ ./scripts/
find content/post/ -name info.json -exec dirname {} \; | xargs rm -r
/usr/local/bin/hugo server -D --debug --disableFastRender --renderToDisk
This might be needed if there are to many sub directories (with IIIF structures) generated, since watching might not work in this setup. This stopped to work reliably between Hugo 0.79.0 and 0.81.0
hugo serve -F --debug --disableFastRender --disableLiveReload --watch=false --renderToDisk
brew install sass/sass/sass
ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/sass /usr/local/bin/dart-sass-embedded
hugo server --tlsAuto