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Version: 3.28.1 Type: application AppVersion: v3.28.1

This Helm chart has been created based on the reference minimalistic Calico deployment. We do not use the Helm Chart Calico Operator provided by Tigera. This chart is based on a lightweigth Calico's configuration manifest and it should work in most of the cases.

This chart is maintained by Clastix Labs.

Calico is a widely adopted, battle-tested open source networking and network security solution for Kubernetes.

Calico provides two major services for Cloud Native applications:

  • Network connectivity between workloads.
  • Network security policy enforcement between workloads.

This Helm chart has been created based on the reference minimalistic Calico deployment. We do not use the Helm Chart Calico Operator provided by Tigera. This chart is based on a lightweigth Calico's configuration manifest and it should work in most of the cases.

This chart is maintained by Clastix Labs.


helm repo add clastix
helm repo update
helm install calico clastix/calico-cni-minimal -n kube-system


helm repo update
helm upgrade calico clastix/calico-cni-minimal -n kube-system --version <new_version>

Customize the installation

There are two methods for specifying overrides of values during Chart installation: --values and --set.

The --values option is the preferred method because it allows you to keep your overrides in a YAML file, rather than specifying them all on the command line. Create a copy of the YAML file values.yaml and add your overrides to it.

Specify your overrides file when you install the Chart:

    helm upgrade calico --install -n kube-system --values myvalues.yaml

The values in your overrides file myvalues.yaml will override their counterparts in the Chart's values.yaml file. Any values in values.yaml that weren't overridden will keep their defaults.

If you only need to make minor customizations, you can specify them on the command line by using the --set option. For example:

    helm upgrade calico --install -n kube-system --set node.env.IP_AUTODETECTION_METHOD=kubernetes-internal-ip

Here the values you can override:


Key Type Default Description
controllers.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
controllers.image.repository string "calico/kube-controllers"
controllers.image.tag string ""
controllers.nodeSelector."" string "linux"
controllers.priorityClassName string "system-cluster-critical"
controllers.serviceAccount.annotations object {}
controllers.serviceAccount.create bool true string "calico-kube-controllers"
controllers.tolerations[0].key string "CriticalAddonsOnly"
controllers.tolerations[0].operator string "Exists"
controllers.tolerations[1].effect string "NoSchedule"
controllers.tolerations[1].key string ""
controllers.tolerations[2].effect string "NoSchedule"
controllers.tolerations[2].key string ""
fullnameOverride string ""
imagePullSecrets list []
nameOverride string ""
node.env.CALICO_DISABLE_FILE_LOGGING string "true"
node.env.CALICO_IPV4POOL_IPIP string "Never"
node.env.CALICO_IPV4POOL_VXLAN string "Never"
node.env.CALICO_IPV6POOL_VXLAN string "Never"
node.env.CLUSTER_TYPE string "k8s"
node.env.DATASTORE_TYPE string "kubernetes"
node.env.FELIX_HEALTHENABLED string "true"
node.env.FELIX_IPV6SUPPORT string "false"
node.env.IP string "autodetect"
node.env.WAIT_FOR_DATASTORE string "true"
node.hostNetwork bool true
node.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
node.image.repository string "calico/node"
node.image.tag string ""
node.nodeSelector."" string "linux"
node.priorityClassName string "system-node-critical"
node.serviceAccount.annotations object {}
node.serviceAccount.create bool true string "calico-node"
node.tolerations[0].effect string "NoSchedule"
node.tolerations[0].operator string "Exists"
node.tolerations[1].key string "CriticalAddonsOnly"
node.tolerations[1].operator string "Exists"
node.tolerations[2].effect string "NoExecute"
node.tolerations[2].operator string "Exists"


Name Email Url
Clastix Labs [email protected]

Source Code


Helm Chart with minimal Calico CNI configuration






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