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Kármán CMS

Just a codename.

The Kármán line, or Karman line, lies at an altitude of 100 km (62 mi; 330,000 ft) above Earth's sea level and commonly represents the boundary between Earth's atmosphere and outer space.


Note: This project, 1% finished. It's in a very early development phase so expect drama.

A local government CMS, built on a modern stack, with a focus on migrating tedious offline processes online.


Coming soon

Built with

  • Node
  • yarn
  • Typescript
  • React
  • Mapbox

Install locally

$> git clone
$> cd apulum-admin
$> yarn

NOTE: There's no mock in place for the Kármán API, so you should go and check that out first since it needs to be up and running in order to be able to work on the frontend.

We have the API schema stored as a .json file that we use for Typescript typings. Theoretically, it can be used to provide mock answers in the frontend.

Pull requests are welcome.


$> cp .env_sample .env.development 
$> vim .env // add your Mapbox token here


$> yarn start 


Tests are written with Jest, you'll find them in __tests__ folders or names foo.test.ts.

$> yarn test

GraphQL Integration

Add Typescript typings for queries:

$> ./
// OR
$> apollo-codegen introspect-schema ${REACT_APP_GRAPHQL_HOST} --output src/schema.json
$> apollo-codegen generate src/**/**/*.tsx --schema src/schema.json --target typescript --output src/types/graphql-types.ts

This should be run automatically when a .tsx file is touched, right now it's being ran manually.

Handling fragments

Since we use union and interface fragment queries, and Apollo has no knowledge of the Graph, we need to feed this information to the Apollo cache, in index.ts, since the default heuristic fragment matcher doesn't work for these cases:

import { fragmentMatcher } from './utils/fragmentMatcher';

const client = new ApolloClient({
  // config
  cache: new InMemoryCache({ fragmentMatcher })

The matcher uses a json file which is generated from the graph by running ./src/utils/makeIntrospectionFragmentTypes.js.

TODO: Run this auto-magically in the postinstall step, or at build time.

Why fragments

Apollo uses a normalized cache, splitting out each item with an id into its own entity in the cache. So it makes sense that mutations would be able to return a MaybeEntity union type which may be an error, or it may be the mutated entity:

type Foo {

type Error {

type MaybeFoo = Foo | Error

Mutation {
  makeFoo(bar): [MaybeFoo!] 

Made with ❤️ & ☕ by CivicTech România