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Code for Lecture 8: Networking and Error Handling

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Welcome to the Lecture 8 demo, iOstagram! In this, we will be making a small social media platform. It will let users create channels, and then post messages in those channels. The main focus of this is the network requests, and as such, we have already given you all views needed for this. You will only need to work on NetworkManager.swift and ChatViewModel.swift.

Step 1

Open up ChatModel.swift and get familiar with it. Note that there is a decent amount of stuff going on here. We have already declared some initializers, including the ones necessary for decoding. Note the init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { initializer for Channel, which doesn't actually decode the lastUpdatedAt but instead sets in manually.

What you have to do here is add the conformances to the Channel and Post structs. We want them both to be Identifiable (we have already discussed what this does previously) and Hashable. Now you will also have to make Channel and Post conform to one of Decodable, Encodable, or both, so Codable, but we won't tell you which yet. Put this off for now and complete the NetworkManager.swift and ChatViewModel.swift first. We will come back to it later.

Step 2

Now that you're familiar with the structs of data, checkout the NetworkManager.swift file. First, change the baseURL to the one we tell you in class. Then, you will see 4 functions that you should complete; you DO NOT need to modify the function signatures. The routes you will need to use are

  • GET "\(baseUrl)/channels" to get all the channels
  • POST "\(baseUrl)/channels?channel={channelName}" to make a channel (where channelName is the name of the channel)
  • GET "\(baseUrl)/posts?channel={channelName}" to get all the posts of channel with name channelName
  • POST "\(baseUrl)/posts?channel={channelName}" to make a post in channel with name channelName (where the body is a JSON encoded post)

We will walk you through makePost, but try to figure out the others yourself! For makePost, we will first make the url for the request like so:

func makePost(post: Post, channelName: String) async throws {
    var components = URLComponents(string: "\(baseUrl)/posts")!
    components.queryItems = [
        URLQueryItem(name: "channel", value: channelName)
    guard let url = components.url else {
        throw NetworkError.invalidURL

Note that we are setting the query components through URLComponents. You can try to manually encode them into the string, but you should not do this as then special characters (like spaces) wont be encoded properly. Now we make the url request, encode the data, and set the request body like so:

func makePost(post: Post, channelName: String) async throws {
    var components = URLComponents(string: "\(baseUrl)/posts")!
    components.queryItems = [
        URLQueryItem(name: "channel", value: channelName)
    guard let url = components.url else {
        throw NetworkError.invalidURL
    var request = URLRequest(url: url)
    request.httpMethod = "POST"
    request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
    request.httpBody = try JSONEncoder().encode(post)

Finally we check the response to make sure there wasn't an error, and throw otherwise:

func makePost(post: Post, channelName: String) async throws {
    var components = URLComponents(string: "\(baseUrl)/posts")!
    components.queryItems = [
        URLQueryItem(name: "channel", value: channelName)
    guard let url = components.url else {
        throw NetworkError.invalidURL
    var request = URLRequest(url: url)
    request.httpMethod = "POST"
    request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
    request.httpBody = try JSONEncoder().encode(post)
    let (data, response) = try await request)
    guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse, httpResponse.statusCode >= 200, httpResponse.statusCode <= 299 else {
        throw NetworkError.networkError

To complete the other 4 functions, you might not need to even set the body, and make sure the change the httpMethod appropriately. You also might need to decode the data from the response, like so for getPosts:

return try JSONDecoder().decode([Post].self, from: data)

We'll let you figure out the rest!

Step 3

Now in ChatViewModel.swift, first complete the makeChannel function like so:

func makeChannel(channelName: String) async {
    if let newChannel = try? await NetworkManager.instance.makeChannel(channelName: channelName) {
        self.channels[newChannel.channelId] = newChannel

This is calling the network request, and if it's successful, it updates the dictionary of channels in the view model (which will then update the views). Note the use of try? for the request, and the optional binding to check success (and no error thrown). Now for make post, we will instead use a do-catch:

func makePost(content: String, channelId: UUID) async {
    let post = Post(author: username, content: content, createdAt: Date())
    guard let channel = channels[channelId] else { return }
    do {
        try await NetworkManager.instance.makePost(post: post, channelName:
        self.channels[channelId]!.lastUpdatedAt = Date()
    } catch let error {

Now complete the other two functions in a similar manner:

func refreshChannels() async {
    do {
        let newChannels = try await NetworkManager.instance.getChannels()
        self.channels = newChannels.reduce(into: [:]) { $0[$1.channelId] = $1 }
    } catch let error {
        print("Error refreshing channels \(error)")
func refreshPosts(channelId: UUID) async {
    guard let channel = channels[channelId] else { return }
    if let newPosts = try? await NetworkManager.instance.getPosts(channelName: {
        self.channels[channelId]!.posts = newPosts
        self.channels[channelId]!.lastUpdatedAt = Date()

Step 4

Now go back in and add the minimum conformances necessary for Channel and Post if you haven't already. Also, add an initializer for the view model that refreshes the channels, like so:

init() {
    Task {
        await refreshChannels()

Now what is this Task? It is ensuring that the nested code is being called in an async manner, in a separate thread.

Step 5

You're done!


Code for Lecture 8: Networking and Error Handling






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