This package collects a set of utilities for handling with public databases published by Brazil's DATASUS The documentation of how to use PySUS can be found here
- Decode encoded patient age to any time unit (years, months, etc)
- Convert
files to DBF databases or read them into pandas dataframes. DBC files are basically DBFs compressed by a proprietary algorithm. - Read SINAN dbf files returning DataFrames with properly typed columns
$ sudo pip install PySUS
>>> from pysus.preprocessing.sinan import read_sinan_dbf
>>> df = read_sinan_dbf('mytest.dbf', encoding='latin-1')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 65535 entries, 0 to 65534
Data columns (total 10 columns):
DT_DIGITA 65469 non-null object
DT_NOTIFIC 65535 non-null object
DT_SIN_PRI 65535 non-null object
ID_AGRAVO 65535 non-null object
ID_BAIRRO 50675 non-null float64
ID_MUNICIP 65535 non-null int64
NM_BAIRRO 60599 non-null object
NU_ANO 65535 non-null int64
SEM_NOT 65535 non-null int64
SEM_PRI 65535 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(4), object(5)
memory usage: 5.0+ MB
>>> df.DT_DIGITA[0], 4, 1)