Upravljanje digitalnim dokumentima Elasticsearch Analyzer / Digital documents management Elasticsearch Analyzer
SerbianAnalyzerElasticSearchPlugin is used for analyzing and preparing input text for indexing.
This plugin is written for Java 13.0.1, Gradle 6.0 and Elasticsearch 7.4.0.
It uses StandardTokenizer for creating tokens out of input text. After tokenizer tokens go trough five filters:
1. LowerCaseFilter - filter transforms all characters from token to lowercase.
2. LatCyrFilter - takes lowercase words, and turns them from cyrilic to latinic.
3. StopFilter - removes the stop words/tokens.
4. SnowballFilter - stems tokens, taking only root of the word.
5. RemoveAccentsFilter - replaces 'Dj' to 'D'.
To build SerbianAnalyzer you will need Gradle. Position yourself in the root of the project and execute
./gradlew clean build
This will create distribution archive file located in build/distributions/
named serbian-analyzer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.zip
Position yourself inside
directory of the elasticsearch root and execute./elasticsearch-plugin install file:<absolute path of distribution archive>
Run elasticsearch server
Issue an
query on elasticsearch server:curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT -D '{"mappings":{"properties":{"content":{"type":"text","fields":{"sr":{"type":"text","analyzer":"serbian"},"en":{"type":"text","analyzer":"english"}}}}}}' http://localhost:9200/tweet
Afterwards, on creation of new tweet
document, content field will be analyzed by default analyzer for english and custom serbian, which was installed as a plugin.
Position yourself inside /bin
directory of the elasticsearch root and execute
./elasticsearch-plugin remove serbian-analyzer