SAFE in Northern Michigan exists to prevent youth substance use, increase community awareness and create change through collaboration, education, prevention initiatives and environmental strategies of tobacco, alcohol and other substance use in Antrim, Charlevoix and Emmet counties. In 2019, SAFE in Norther Michigan was provided a grant by the Michigan Overdose Data to Action (MODA) initiative to assess monitoring and evaluations processes for Our Impact Programs. With support of the Michigan Prevention Network and OrganizingTogether, we created the OUR IMPACT MAP and Dashboard systems that operates on all open source hardware and software.
This is a part of OrganizingTogether's Participatory Mapping in Solidarity Education Initatiave.
OUR IMPACT Map ( is created through a basemap developed by LeafLet and powered by Open Street Map. These applications are open source and free to use making it an essential tool for non-profits who implement activities across a wide geographic area.
The basemap has been paired with Google Suite to make it accessible to non-technical experts. The data collected across all projects, including the OUR IMPACT program. The data is publicly available on the OUR IMPACT dashboard. The OUR IMPACT program coordinator is responsible for managing the data and resetting the map before each competition period.
The OUR IMPACT Dashboard includes invaluable information about our current activities, the outcome of each activity, and the changes to community health indicators over time. The goal of collecting activity dashboard and comparing it to community health indicators is to measure the success and impact of SAFE in Northern Michigan’s programming, provide instant access to our donors and stakeholders, and engage participating youth in a way that harnesses 21st century technology. SAFE in Northern Michigan measures outcomes across 16 youth led activities and 20 indicators. This criteria measures the actual achievements against set goals and program aims. For a complete list of 2021 indicators, please visit
Developed by Ilya Ilyankou and Jack Dougherty with support from Trinity College CT, using a Google Sheets template, with these open-source components:
- Inspired by: Code for Atlanta (2016) (BSD-3-Clause)
- Leaflet v1.0.3 (BSD-2-Clause)
- jQuery v3.2.0 (MIT)
- leaflet-providers (v1.1.15, manually updated for Carto https) (BSD-2-Clause)
- leaflet-locatecontrol (v0.60.0) (MIT)
- Leaflet.markercluster (v1.0.4) (MIT)
- Leaflet.MarkerCluster.LayerSupport (v.1.0.3) (MIT)
- Font Awesome (v4.7) (MIT, SIL OFL 1.1)
- Leaflet.awesome-markers (v2.0.4) (MIT)
- Single Element CSS Spinner (31 May 2016) (MIT)
- Tabletop.js gives spreadsheets legs, by returning Google Sheets data in JSON format (v1.5.1) (MIT)
- Google Colour Palette Generator (2015) (MIT)
- Google Sheets Geocoder (v1.0) by Ilya Ilyankou and Jack Dougherty (no license)
- polylabel (Dec. 2016 customized) to optimally place text labels in a polygon (ISC), with TinyQueue (v1.1.0) (, polylabel's dependency (ISC)
- jQuery-CSV (v0.71) (MIT)
- DataTables (v1.10.13) by SpryMedia Ltd. (MIT)
- Leaflet Control Geocoder by @perliedman (BSD 2-Clause)