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CLI tool to prepare BagIt packages harvesting metadata and raw files following the CERN Submission Information Package (SIP) specification.


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"BagIt Create" is a tool to export digital repository records in packages with a consistent format, according to the CERN Submission Information Package specification.

Digital Repositories powered by Invenio v1, Invenio v3, Invenio RDM, CERN Open Data and Indico are supported, as well as GitLab repositories and locally found folders.

Quick start:

# Install
pip install bagit-create

# Create bag for CDS record 2728246
bic --recid 2728246 --source cds

Table of contents



# On CentOS
yum install gcc krb5-devel python3-devel

If you just need to run BagIt Create from the command line:

# Install from PyPi
pip install bagit-create

# Check installed version
bic --version

# Create bag for CDS record 2728246
bic --recid 2728246 --source cds


BagIt-Create can be easily installed and used on LXPLUS (e.g. if you need access to mounted EOS folders):

pip3 install bagit-create --user

Check if .local/bin (where pip puts the executables) is in the path. If not export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin.


Clone this repository and then install the package with the -e flag:

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd bagit-create

# Create a virtual environment and activate it
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

# Install the project in editable mode
pip install -e .

# Check installed version
bic --version

# You're done! Create a SIP for a CDS resource from its URL:
bic --url -v

# Install additional packages for testing
pip install pytest oais_utils

# Run tests
# Set an Indico API key, or expect some test to fail
python -m pytest

Code is formatted using black and linted with flake8. A VSCode settings file is provided for convenience.


You usually just need to specify the location of the record you are trying to create a package for.

You can do it by specifying the "Source" (see supported sources) and the Record ID:

bic --recid 2728246 --source cds

or passing an URL (currently only works with CDS, Zenodo and CERN Open Data links):

bic --url



bic --source gitlab --token <YOUR_TOKEN> --recid 104913 -vv


# (Expect error) Removed resource
bic --recid 1 --source cds

# (Expect error) Public resource but metadata requires authorisation
bic --recid 1000 --source cds

# Resource with a lot of large videos, light bag
bic --recid 1000571 --source cds --dry-run

# Resource with just a PDF
bic --recid 2728246 --source cds


# ilcdoc #
bic --source ilcdoc --recid 62959 --verbose
bic --source ilcdoc --recid 34794 --verbose


bic --recid 3911261 --source zenodo --verbose
bic --recid 3974864 --source zenodo --verbose


bic --recid 1024767 --source indico

CERN Open Data

bic --recid 1 --source cod --dry-run --verbose
bic --recid 8884 --source cod --dry-run --verbose --alternate-uri
bic --recid 8884 --source cod --dry-run --verbose
bic --recid 5200 --source cod --dry-run --verbose
bic --recid 8888 --source cod --dry-run --verbose

bic --recid 10101 --source cod --dry-run --verbose
bic --recid 10102 --source cod --dry-run --verbose
bic --recid 10103 --source cod --dry-run --verbose
bic --recid 10104 --source cod --dry-run --verbose
bic --recid 10105 --source cod --dry-run --verbose

bic --recid 10101 --source cod --verbose
bic --recid 10102 --source cod --verbose
bic --recid 10103 --source cod --verbose
bic --recid 10104 --source cod --verbose
bic --recid 10105 --source cod --verbose

Some more advanced recipes can be found in the examples/ folder.


  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --recid TEXT                    Record ID of the resource the upstream
                                  digital repository. Required by every
                                  pipeline but local.

  -s, --source [cds|ilcdoc|cod|zenodo|inveniordm|indico|local|ilcagenda]
                                  Select source pipeline from the supported

  -u, --url TEXT                  Provide an URL for the Record
                                  [Works with CDS, Open Data and Zenodo links]

  -d, --dry-run                   Skip downloads and create a `light` bag,
                                  without any payload.

  -a, --alternate-uri             Use alternative uri instead of https for
                                  fetch.txt (e.g. root endpoints  for CERN
                                  Open Data instead of http).

  -v, --verbose                   Enable basic logging (verbose, 'info'

  -vv, --very-verbose             Enable verbose logging (very verbose,
                                  'debug' level).

  -b, --bibdoc                    [ONLY for Supported Invenio v1 pipelines]
                                  Get metadata for a CDS record from the
                                  bibdocfile utility
                                  (`/opt/cdsweb/bin/bibdocfile` must be
                                  available in the system).

  --bd-ssh-host TEXT              [ONLY for Supported Invenio v1 pipelines]
                                  Specify SSH host to run bibdocfile. Access
                                  must be promptless. (See documentation for
                                  usage and configuration). By default uses
                                  the local machine.

  -t, --target TEXT               Output folder for the generated SIP. By
                                  default uses the same folder  the tool is
                                  being executed from.

  -sp, --source-path TEXT         [Local source ONLY, required] Set path of
                                  the local folder to use as a source.

  -u, --author TEXT               [Local source ONLY] Specify the Author of

  -sbp, --source-base-path TEXT   [Local source ONLY] Specify a part of the
                                  path as  relevant for extracting an

  -ic, --invcookie TEXT           [Invenio v1.x ONLY] Use custom
                                  INVENIOSESSION cookie value to authenticate.
                                  Useful for local accounts.

  -ss, --skipssl                  [Invenio v1.x ONLY] Skip SSL authentication
                                  in HTTP requests. Useful for misconfigured
                                  or deprecated instances.

  -c, --cert TEXT                 [Invenio v1.x ONLY] Full path to the
                                  certificate to use to authenticate. Don't
                                  specify extension, only the file name. A
                                  '.key' and a '.pem' will be loaded. Read
                                  documentation (CERN SSO authentication) to
                                  learn more on how to generate it.

  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Supported sources

Name Source ID URL Pipeline
CERN Document Server cds Invenio v1.x
ILC Document Server ilcdoc Invenio v1.x
CERN Open Data cod CERN Open Data
Zenodo zenodo Invenio v3.x
CERN Indico indico Indico v3.0.x
ILC Agenda ilcagenda Indico v3.0.x
CodiMD codimd CodiMD
GitLab gitlab GitLab

Additional configuration may be required (e.g. for restricted events).

URL parsing

Instead of passing Source + Record ID you can just use the record URL with the --url option.

Light bags

With the --dry-run option, BIC can create "light" bags skipping any payload download (i.e. attached files) but generating the same manifest (exposing upstream file locations and URLs), allowing the full bag to be "populated" in the future.


Some pipelines require additional configuration (e.g. to authenticate).


To use any Indico pipeline you need an API Token. From your browser, login to the Indico instance, go to "Preferences" and then "API Token". Create new token, name can be anything. Select (at least) Everything (all methods) and Classic API (read only) as scopes. Note down the token and set the INDICO_KEY environement variable to it.


This will also allow you to run the tool for restricted events you have access to.

Invenio v1.x


BIC can run in a "authenticated" mode for Invenio v1.x pipelines (e.g. CDS) by getting CERN SSO HTTP cookies through the cern-sso-python tool.

For this, you'll need to provide a Grid User certificate obtained from the CERN Certification Authority of an account that has access to the desired restricted record.

Once you downloaded your .p12 certificate, you'll need to process the certificate files to remove passwords and separate the key and certificate:

openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in myCert.p12 -out myCert.pem
# A passphrase is required here (after the Import one)
openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in myCert.p12 -out myCert.tmp.key
openssl rsa -in ~/private/myCert.tmp.key -out myCert.key

WARNING: openssl rsa.. command removes the passphrase from the private key. Keep it in a secure location.

Once you have your myCert.key and myCert.pem files, you can run BagIt-Create with the --cert option, providing the path to those files (without extension, as it is assumed that your certificate and key files have the same base name and are located in the same folder, and that the key has the file ending .key and the certificate .pem). E.g.:

bic --source cds --recid 2748063 --cert /home/avivace/Downloads/myCert

Will make the tool look for "/home/avivace/Downloads/myCert.key" and "/home/avivace/Downloads/myCert.pem" and the pipeline will run authenticating every HTTP request with the obtained Cookies, producing a SIP of the desired restricted record.

For more information, check the cern-sso-python docs.


To authenticate with a local account (i.e. without CERN SSO), login on your Invenio v1.x instance with a browser and what your INVENIOSESSION cookie is set to.

On Firefox, open the Developers tools, go in the "Storage" tab and select "Cookies", you should see an INVENIOSESSION cookie. Copy its value and pass it to BagIt Create with the --token option:

bic --source cds --recid 2748063 --token <INVENIOSESSION_value_here>


To create packages out of CodiMD documents, go to, authenticate and after the redirect to the main page open your browser developer tools (CTRL+SHIFT+I), go to the "Storage" tab and under cookies copy the value of the connect.sid cookie.

The "Record ID" for CodiMD document is the part of the url that follows the main domain address (e.g. in the recid is KabpdG3TTHKOsig2lq8tnw)

bic --source codimd --recid vgGgOxGQU --token <connect.sid_value_here>

Dump full history

A small script is included in this repository in examples/ which will dump your entire CodiMD "history" (the same history you see on the homepage), creating a bag for each document.

Set the CODIMD_SESSION env variable to the value of the connect.sid cookie before running the script:

CODIMD_SESSION=<connect.sid_value_here> python examples/


To export projects from CERN GitLab you'll need to provide a Personal access token of an user that has at least a "Maintainer" role on the target repository. This token will also be used to clone the repository.

By default, only files from the default branch will be indexed in the metadata and in the SIP manifest. The exported package will however also contain a full copy of the git repository, including every available branch.

A package created using the "dry run" flag will not contain the repository copy.

Advanced usage


BIC can easily be run inside other Python scripts. Just import it and use the process method with the same parameters you can pass to the CLI.

E.g., this snippet creates SIP packages for CDS resources from ID 2728246 to 27282700.

import bagit_create

for i in range(2728246, 27282700):
    result = bagit_create.main.process(
        source="cds", recid=i, loglevel=3
    if result["status"] == 0:

Accessing CERN firewalled websites

If the upstream source you're trying to access is firewalled, you can set up a SOCKS5 proxy via a SSH tunnel through LXPLUS and then run bic through it with tools like proxychains or tsocks. E.g.:

Bring up the SSH tunnel:

ssh -D 1337 -q -N -f -C

The proxy will be up at socks5://localhost:1337. After having installed tsocks, edit the its configuration file (/etc/tsocks.conf) as follows:

server = localhost
server_type = 5
server_port = 1337

Now, just run bic as documented here but prepend tsocks to the command:

tsocks bic --recid 1024767 --source indico -vv


The bibdocfile command line utility can be used to get metadata for CDS, exposing internal file paths and hashes normally not available through the CDS API.

If the executable is available in the path (i.e. you can run /opt/cdsweb/bin/bibdocfile) just append --bibdoc:

bic --recid 2751237 --source cds --bibdoc -v

If this is not the case, you can pass a --bd-ssh-host parameter specifying the name of an SSH configured connection pointing to a machine able to run the command for you. Be aware that your machine must be able to establish such connection without any user interaction (the script will run ssh <THE_PROVIDED_SSH_HOST> bibdocfile ..args).

Since in a normal CERN scenario this can't be possible due to required ProxyJumps/OTP authentication steps, you can use the ControlMaster feature of any recent version of OpenSSH, allowing to reuse sockets for connecting:

Add an entry in ~/.ssh/config to set up the SSH connection to the remote machine able to run bibdocfile for you in the following way:

  User <YOUR_USER>
  Hostname <>
  ProxyJump <LXPLUS_or_AIADM>
  ControlMaster auto
  ControlPath ~/.ssh/control:%h:%p:%r

Then, run ssh <SSH_NAME> in a shell, authenticate and keep it open. OpenSSH will now reuse this socket everytime you run <SSH_NAME>, allowing BagItCreate tool to run bibdocfile over this ssh connection for you, if you pass the bd-ssh-host parameter:

bic --recid 2751237 --source cds --bibdoc --bd-ssh-host=<SSH_NAME> -v


CLI tool to prepare BagIt packages harvesting metadata and raw files following the CERN Submission Information Package (SIP) specification.







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