Telegram bot that logs messages (not the contents, for the sake of privacy) and votes.
You can either use an application such as pipx (recommended) or just pip
~ $ pipx install git+
- You must create a Telegram bot with the Botfather in order to get a token.
- Create a configuration file as explained below, containing at least the token.
- Run
The configuration file is located, by default, at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/karmagrambot/config.json
, but if that variable is not set, it falls back to ~/.config/karmagrambot/config.json
The expected keys are token
(required) and db-path
The database is located, by default, at $XDG_DATA_HOME/karmagrambot/messages.db
, but if that variable is not set, it falls back to ~/.local/share/karmagrambot/messages.db