Eva is a fork of Sean Brant's virtualenvwrapper.configvar project. The main difference is eva looks for the .env file in your project's folder as specified by the -a flag. It also has the eva command that will show you a table of the variables from the .env file and what is actually set in the environment.
Eva should be installed outside of a virtualenv in your root site-packages.
pip install eva
Use sudo if your current user does not have permissions to install globally.
>>>sudo pip install eva
>>>nano /your/project/path/.env
>>>mkvirtualenv <your_env_name> -a /your/project/path/
List of Environment Variables from .env file
| Key | Value | Environment Value |
| DATABASE_ENGINE | mysql | mysql |
| CACHE_ENGINE | redis | redis |
Key: The name of the environment variable as set in the .env file and in the environment.
Value: The variable's value as specified in the .env file.
Environment Value: The actual value of the variable in the environment