This is my hand-tuned dark color theme for use in the amazing dev tools RubyMine and PHPStorm by JetBrains.
It's something I've honed over the year little by little to suit my taste. No doubt in my mind that it's influenced by dozens of fantastic dark-colored themes, but I don't have any particular references to call out.
Give it a try and see how to you like it. If it's useful for you please pass on a kind word about it to your friends and teammates.
- Ping me on Twitter @KenTabor if you want to talk about this thing
- Check out my technical blog when you're bored
Here's how this color theme makes JavaScript look:
Languages the color theme supports are just about all of them and especially Ken-centric including:
- JavaScript
- Jade
- Regex
I just noticed upgrading to PHPStorm v6 JetBrains ditched .xml config files for .icls files. Of course that means I'll be maintaining .icls on PHPStorm now, and RubyMine once they make the shift there.
Typical PHPStorm v6 location for this file is something like this:
Typical PHPStorm v6 location for this file is something like this
Preferences -> IDE Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Scheme Name
I've recently bought RubyMine and have brought over my color theme for PHPStorm into this hot new IDE adding its languages.
- Ruby
- JavaScipt
- CoffeeScript
- Cucumber
- Slim
Typical RubyMine v4.5 location for this file is something like this:
Typical RubyMine v4.5 location for this file is something like this
This programmer font is highly recommended as I've used it daily for years and I know I'm more productive because it exists:
Out of nowhere I've suddenly switched to this font as Adobe dropped it on the world just a few weeks ago and I think it's fantastic: