This small demo app was used for
- My CloudNative London talk 2017-09-27
- My Software Circus Amsterdam worskhop – 2018-02-28
- My QCon Workshop – 2018-03-08
Monitoring containerised apps creates a whole new set of challenges that traditional monitoring systems struggle with. In this talk, Brice Fernandes from Weaveworks will introduce and demo the open source Prometheus monitoring toolkit and its integration with Kubernetes. After this talk, you'll be able to use Prometheus to monitor your microservices on a Kubernetes cluster. We'll cover:
- An introduction to Kubernetes to manage containers
- The monitoring maturity model
- An overview of whitebox and blackbox monitoring
- Monitoring with Prometheus
- Using PromQL (the Prometheus Query Language) to monitor your app in a dynamic system
Take a look at the manifests directory if you want to run this demo yourself. There is also a separate repository used for infrastructure operations and automation which will have the latest version of this manifest.
- Grafana dashboard used in this talk taken from
- Joel York's SaaS metrics from
Try the following while using the tools scripts to generate subscriptions and unsubscriptions.
# Request rate by status
sum by (status) (rate(http_request_buckets_milliseconds_count{_weave_service="mighty-fine-fe"}[1m]))
## Latency distribution of requests
# 99th percentile
histogram_quantile(0.99, sum by (le) (rate(http_request_buckets_milliseconds_bucket{_weave_service="mighty-fine-fe"}[1m])));
# 50th percentile
histogram_quantile(0.50, sum by (le) (rate(http_request_buckets_milliseconds_bucket{_weave_service="mighty-fine-fe"}[1m])));
# average
sum(rate(http_request_buckets_milliseconds_sum{_weave_service="mighty-fine-fe"}[1m])) / sum(rate(http_request_buckets_milliseconds_count{_weave_service="mighty-fine-fe"}[1m]))
# Gross sales over all time
# Current subscribed customers
# Churn Rate
rate(unsubscribe_count[1m]) / ((subscribe_count offset 1m) - (unsubscribe_count offset 1m))
# How fast are we gaining customers
# How fast are we losing customers.
# Our growth rate (instantaneous)
# Our growth rate (using deriv function)