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Brett Petch edited this page Sep 22, 2022 · 1 revision

A frequently asked question we get from customers is if we have support for Mylar3. At the time of writing, we don't officially support it, but it can be installed using a script a community member has written.

Mylar is an automated Comic Book (cbr/cbz) downloader program for use with NZB and torrents.

Mylar allows you to create a watchlist of series that it monitors for various things (new issues, updated information, etc). It will grab, sort, and rename downloaded issues. It will also allow you to monitor weekly pull-lists for items belonging to said watchlisted series to download, as well as being able to monitor and maintain story-arcs.


Before installation, please consider reading the installer script. You can read it on the GitHub Repo. You can run the script by using the following command:

bash <(curl -sL "")

:::tip If something goes wrong during your install, please consider checking the logs and the output in your console. You may find them by running the following:

less -r +G $HOME/.logs/mylar.log

These can be helpful in cases where you need to see the output from installation. :::

On first run, go to http://<>:<yourportnumber> to access Mylar. This should be secured with your slot username and the password you entered during setup. Keep in mind that this application is exposed on the public internet.

Controlling the Systemd Service

systemctl (start|stop|restart|reload|enable|disable) --user mylar


For most troubleshooting, please consider consulting the Mylar3 Docs.

I Can't Remember my Port Number

Run the following via SSH.

grep "http_port" /home/$(whoami)/.config/mylar/config.ini

Viewing logs

For application specific logs, consider running the following:

journalctl --user -u mylar

You can exit less by pressing q at any point. :::

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